
Starts a Wordpress 5.2.1 project in a docker environment ready to use.

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Starts a Wordpress 5.2.1 project in a docker environment ready to use.



Starts a completely clean installation of the WordPress (5.2.1) in a dockerized environment with MariaDB (10.4.2-bionic), PHP (7.3.1), Nginx (1.15.8) and PHP My Admin (4.7).

This project is ready to work with environment variables. The database access data of the Wordpress application is reported in the .env file at the project root, along with the environment variables of the containers.

Steps to get started

1 - Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your operating system. If you do not access the official documentation at https://docs.docker.com/install/ and install.

2 - Clone this repository with the command git clone git@github.com:vitorgiovane/dockerized-wordpress.git or git clone https://github.com/vitorgiovane/dockerized-wordpress.git in a terminal.

3 - Open the project root folder in a terminal and run the composer install command.

4 - Rename the .env.example file in the project root to .env and fill in the environment variables as you prefer. You can use the .env.ready file as the basis for populating these variables. This file has generic environment data but is able to start the environment quickly.

5 - Now is the time to start the containers. Open the project root in a terminal and run the sudo docker-compose up -d --build command.

Note: The --build attribute builds the images and -d executes the containers in the background.