42 SP Projects
This repo contains all the projects I developed during École 42 inner circle curriculum.
Circle | Project Name | Description | Stack | Status | Grade | Badge |
⭕ | 📂 | ENTRANDO EM ÓRBITA 🚀 | 💻 | 🏁 | 💯 | |
0 | libft | Recode basics standard C library functions | C | ✔️ | 115/100 | |
1 | get_next_line | Code your own getline function | C | ✔️ | 115/100 | |
1 | netwhat | An introduction to network problematics | Network | ✔️ | 100/100 | |
1 | ft_printf | Code your own printf function | C | ✔️ | 100/100 | |
2 | ft_server | Run a LEMP stack powered by Docker | Docker | ✔️ | 100/100 | |
2 | cub3d | Wolfenstein 3D-style raycasting implementation | C | ✔️ | 100/100 | |
⭕ | 📂 | AMPLIANDO HORIZONTES 🌟 | 💻 | 🕜 | 💯 | 🔐 |
3 | libasm | Code basics functions in Linux x86-64 Assembly | ASM | ✔️ | 125/100 | |
3 | minishell | Code your own bash | C | ✔️ | 100/100 | |
3 | ft_services | A System Administration and Networking project with cluster management | Kubernetes | ✔️ | 100/100 | |
3 | push_swap | Sort a stack as efficiently as possible | C | ✔️ | 125/100 | |
4 | philosophers | The basics of threading a process | C | ✔️ | 125/100 | |
⭕ | 📂 | EXPLORANDO O ESPAÇO 🌌 | 💻 | 🕜 | 💯 | 🔐 |
4 | cpp modules | Time to dive into Object Oriented Programming! | C++ | ⌛ | .../100 | |
5 | ft_containers | |||||
5 | ft_irc / webserv | |||||
6 | ft_transcendence |