
Java Spring Swagger MySQL 

This project is an API built using Java, Java Spring Boot, MySQL as the database, Java Mail Sender for email sending, Swagger for documentation, and Spring Security for authentication control.

The API simulates the functionality of a college system, managing classes and students. An admin must register a student's information. After registration, the student receives an email with their registration number, which serves as their login. They can then create a password. Once registered, students can enroll in any class that is currently within its registration period. Enrollment might be denied for reasons such as: the class is already full, or the registration period has ended. Students have the option to cancel their enrollment in a class, provided the semester is still within the registration period. Otherwise, they can only drop the class. Students can update non-crucial information, view available classes for enrollment, and see all the classes in which they're enrolled.

Whenever students enroll or cancel their enrollment in a class, they receive an email notification. Additionally, once the registration period for a semester concludes, all enrolled students receive an email detailing the classes they've registered for that semester. If a student's account is deactivated, they can no longer enroll in classes.

Admins are crucial for maintaining essential information in the system. They are responsible for adding new students, deactivating students, updating student statuses at the end of a semester, creating new semesters, establishing new classrooms, and making necessary updates.

Table of Contents


  1. Start the application with Maven
  2. The API will be accessible at http://localhost:8080
  3. You can access Swagger documentation at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html#/

API Endpoints

The API provides the following endpoints:


POST /auth/login - login any user.

POST /auth/register/student - register a student's login information.

POST /auth/register/admin - register a new admin.

PUT /auth/update/{login} - update login information of a user.

DELETE /auth/delete - delete a user.


GET /student - get all students.

GET /student/{registration} - get a student by registration.

POST /student - register a student.

PUT /student/update - update a student's information

PUT /student/deactivate/{registration} - deactivate a student.


GET /classroom - get all classrooms.

GET /classroom/{code} - get a classroom by code.

GET /classroom/semester/{code} - get all classes in a semester by semester's code.

POST /classroom - register a classroom.

PUT /classroom/code - update a classroom's information

DELETE /classroom/{code} - cancel a classroom.


GET /semester - get all classrooms.

GET /semester/{code} - get a semester by code.

GET /semester/current - get all current semesters.

POST /semester - register a semester.

PUT /semester - update a semester's information

DELETE /semester/{code} - delete a semester.


GET /student_class/current/{registration} - get all classes a student is enrolled in a current semester.

GET /student_class/in_registration/{registration} - get all classes a student enrolled in a semester on registration period.

GET /student_class/class/{classCode} - get all students in a class.

GET /student_class/results/{classCode} - get the status of all students in a class (PASSED, FAILED, DROPPED).

POST /student_class - enroll a student to a class.

POST /student_class/results - set status of all students (PASSED, FAILED) in a class.

DELETE /student_class - delete a students enrollment in a class or drop a class depending on the moment of the semester.


The API uses Spring Security for authentication control. The following roles are available:

ROLE_USER - Standard user role for logged-in students.
ROLE_ADMIN - Admin role for managing the whole system.

To access protected endpoints as an ADMIN user, provide the appropriate authentication credentials in the request header.


The project utilizes MySQL as the database.

Project still in development

This project is still under development and new features might be added later on.

Upcoming features

  • Student status change
  • Semester dates verification before allowing it to be created