Task App

🚧 Project Status: 🛠 Finish 🚧

Minimalistic custom taks list for educational purposes.

  • HOME PAGE homepage
  • REGISTER PAGE workspace


  1. You need to have Xampp installed, if you don't have click here for download
  2. You need to have PHP8.2 installed
  3. You need to have Postegree installed


  1. Download the archive or clone the project using git

    • As we are using Xampp, you need to clone the project in the folder where Xampp is installed, but precisely in the htdocs folder, exemple: C:\xampp\htdocs
  2. You need create database schema called tasks in pgAdmin 4 and create a table called task

    • in the root project have a file called database.sql you can used for create a table
  3. IN .env file adjust database parameters (including schema name)

  4. Run composer install

  5. Start a Apache Server in Xampp Aplication

  6. Open in browser http://localhost/task/public/

Credits: This project is based on a code structure provided by the author TheCodeholic and you can see the original structure in this repository: php-mvc-framework.