
This repository is one of my projects during my internship at Brain (Brazilian Artificial Inteligence Nucleus - https://ipfacens.com.br/brain-2/), for research purposes.It was completly implemented with python. For the implemantation, it was used the DeepFace framwork.


@inproceedings{serengil2020lightface, title = {LightFace: A Hybrid Deep Face Recognition Framework}, author = {Serengil, Sefik Ilkin and Ozpinar, Alper}, booktitle = {2020 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU)}, pages = {23-27}, year = {2020}, doi = {10.1109/ASYU50717.2020.9259802}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1109/ASYU50717.2020.9259802}, organization = {IEEE} }

Link to DeepFace repo: https://github.com/serengil/deepface/blob/master/README.md