
JetBrains theme of Material Theme

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

JetBrains Material Theme

This is a Material Theme port of both the UI and UX for JetBrains products.


  • PhpStorm 9.0.2, build 141.2462 with JDK 1.8 (Download)


  • Download Material Theme.jar
  • Open Preferences -> Plugins - > Install plugin from disk... and choose the jar.

NOTE: This initial beta only has the default material colour scheme. The darker and lighter scheme's will be added asap.

PhpStorm only (Support for most of the JetBrains apps will be added). Tested on OS X and Windows 10.


  • Add support for more JetBrains apps.
  • Add more icons.
  • Dynamically change the UI colors according to the active color scheme.
  • Add lighter and darker colour schemes.
  • Add support for EAP releases.
  • Check to see if we can add support for earlier JDK versions.
  • As I personally prefer the Facebook Scheme together with the Material Theme UI, I'll release a Facebook Theme when this is free of any significant bugs. Stay tuned :)


I am no Java-developer, and to be honest I have no intention to become one. My preferred language is PHP, but I managed to hack this together using available resources and general programming knowledge. Do not expect Java Best Practices here. :-)

If you decide to improve the code/structure of this plugin, please send me a pull request.

Thanks to @equinusocio for making this awesome theme.


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