
Analysis and Profile of Requests/Server for PHP

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Analysis and Profile of Requests/Server for PHP

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Simple and powerful monitor of requests/server with interactive and realtime dashboard for a simple analysis and manual profile. Unit tests have passed on versions: 5.6, 7.4, 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3


composer require vitorsreis/extend-analysis

Request Monitor

• Simple start usage

use VSR\Extend\Analysis;

# Create driver
$driver = new Analysis\Driver\Standard(__DIR__);

# Set driver

# @param bool $autoSave [optional] Save automatically on shutdown event
#                       default: true, if false, you need call $requestProfile->save() manually
global $profile;
$profile = new Analysis\Request();

• Adding action to profile tree

Is recommended to use try/catch/finally for capture errors, however Error\Exception is captured automatically. Use at strategic points in the code to better build your tree, e.g. caller middleware, model proxy, ...

global $profile;
try {
    $profile->start(/* profile_name */); # up level, start action monitor
    // your code
} catch (Throwable $e) {
    $profile->error($e); # register error in current level
    // your code
} finally {
    $extra = ...; // [optional] extra info about action
    $profile->stop($extra || null); # down level, end action monitor

• Adding extra info about request


• Capture before save

You can capture the request before save and cancel it if necessary or remove some data. Use "return false" to cancel save.

global $requestProfile;
$requestProfile->onBeforeSave(function (array $request) {
    # Toleration of 1000 actions, 300ms of duration and not error
    if ($request['profile_count'] < 1000 && $request['duration'] < .300 && !$request['error']) {
        # Remove debug fields to save space in database
        $fields = [
        foreach ($fields as $field) {
            $request[$field] = null;
    return $request;

Server Monitor

Exemple of usage in examples/serverTop.php