
Indexing by words tree and regex marked, this router is very elegant, fast and powerful. Architected as a queue of merged middlewares, it proposes multiple interactions in routes with cache, contexts and persistent data for PHP

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Very elegant, fast and powerful router for PHP

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Indexed by words tree and regex matching, this router is very elegant, fast, and powerful. Architected as a queue of merged middlewares (not unique match), it offers multiple interactions in routes with cache, contexts, and persistent data. Unit tests passed on versions: 5.6, 7.4, 8.1 and 8.2


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composer require vitorsreis/extend-router


$router = new \VSR\Extend\Router();
$router->get('/product/:id', function ($id) { echo "product $id"; });
$router->match('GET', '/product/100')->execute();
// output: "product 100"

Router group

You can add group of routes:

$router->group('/product', function (\VSR\Extend\Router $router) {
    $router->get('/:id', function ($id) { echo "get product $id"; });
    $router->post('/:id', function ($id) { echo "post product $id"; });
$router->match('POST', '/product/100')->execute();
// output: "post product 100"

404 Not Found and 405 Method Not Allowed

  • You can use NotFoundException and MethodNotAllowedException in catch:
try {
    $router->match('POST', '/aaa');
} catch (\VSR\Extend\Router\Exception\NotFoundException $e) {
    echo "{$e->getCode()}: {$e->getMessage()}"; // output: "404: Route \"/aaa\" not found"
} catch (\VSR\Extend\Router\Exception\MethodNotAllowedException $e) {
    echo "{$e->getCode()}: {$e->getMessage()}"; // output: "405: Method \"POST\" not allowed for route \"/aaa\""
  • Or can use RuntimeException in catch:
try {
    $router->match('POST', '/aaa');
} catch (\VSR\Extend\Router\Exception\RuntimeException $e) {
    if (in_array($e->getCode(), [404, 405])) {
        echo "{$e->getCode()}: {$e->getMessage()}";
        // output: "404: Route \"/aaa\" not found" or  "405: Method \"POST\" not allowed for route \"/aaa\""
    } else {
        throw $e;
  • In case 405, you can get allowed methods:
try {
    $router->match('PUT', '/aaa');
} catch (\VSR\Extend\Router\Exception\MethodNotAllowedException $e) {
    echo implode(', ', $e->allowedMethods); // output: "GET, POST, ..."

Friendly URIs

You can add friendly URIs to redirect to specific routes:

$router->post('/product/:id', function ($id) { echo "post product $id"; });
$router->friendly('/iphone', '/product/100');
$router->match('POST', '/iphone')->execute();
// output: "post product 100"


Filters are used to add regex to route variables in a nicer and cleaner way.

$router->get('/:var1[09]', function ($var1) { return "[09] : $var1"; });
$router->get('/:var1[az]', function ($var1) { return "[az] : $var1"; });

echo $router->match('GET', '/111')->execute()->result; // output: "[09] : 111"
echo $router->match('GET', '/aaa')->execute()->result; // output: "[az] : aaa"

You can use loose filter in routes:

$router->get('/[09]', function () { return "[09]"; });
$router->get('/[az]', function () { return "[az]"; });

echo $router->match('GET', '/111')->execute()->result; // output: "[09]"
echo $router->match('GET', '/aaa')->execute()->result; // output: "[az]"

You can add custom filters:

$router->addFilter('custom_only_numeric', '\d+')
$router->get('/:var1[custom_only_numeric]', function ($var1) { return "CUSTOM_VAR1_FILTER : $var1"; });

$router->addFilter('custom_w10', '\w{10}')
$router->get('/[custom_w10]', function () { return 'CUSTOM_LOOSE_FILTER'; });

Below are pre-registered filters:

Key Description Regex
<omitted or empty> any other than "/" [^/]+
09 only numbers [0-9]+
az only lowercase [a-z]+
AZ only uppercase [A-Z]+
aZ only letters [a-zA-Z]+
d only numbers \d+
D any other than "0-9" \D+
w only "a-zA-Z0-9_" \w+
W any other than "a-zA-Z0-9_" \W+
uuid uuid [0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-5][0-9a-f]{3}-[089ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}

Allowing/Disallowing methods


$router->allowMethod('XXX', ...);
// $router->addRoute('XXX', '/aaa', function () { ... }); = OK
// $router->match('XXX', '/aaa'); = OK

$router->disallowMethod('GET', ...);
// $router->addRoute('GET', '/aaa', function () { ... }); = throw SyntaxException(500)
// $router->match('GET', '/aaa'); = throw RuntimeException(400)


  • This usage mode or Memory cache does not store the router map.
$cache = new \VSR\Extend\Router\Cache\Memory();
// $cache = new \VSR\Extend\Router\Cache\File(__DIR__ . "/cache/");
// $cache = new \VSR\Extend\Router\Cache\Apcu();
// $cache = new \VSR\Extend\Router\Cache\Memcache();
// $cache = new \VSR\Extend\Router\Cache\Memcached();
// $cache = new \VSR\Extend\Router\Cache\Redis();

$router = new \VSR\Extend\Router($cache);
$router->get('/product/:id', function ($id) { echo "product $id"; });
$router->friendly('/iphone-xs', '/product/100');
$router->friendly('/samsumg-s10', '/product/200');
$router->match('GET', '/iphone-xs')->execute();
// output: "product 100"
  • Use like this to instantiate already stored router or, if it doesn't exist, instantiate it and then store it in cache. This greatly reduces time from second load onwards. Does not support routes with anonymous classes or anonymous/arrow functions (Closure objects)
    • &$hash argument can be used to control the cache version, if omitted, it is based on the $callback source code by reflection.
    • &$warning argument if different from false", indicates that an error occurred.
$cache = new \VSR\Extend\Router\Cache\File(__DIR__ . "/cache/");
// $cache = new \VSR\Extend\Router\Cache\Apcu();
// $cache = new \VSR\Extend\Router\Cache\Memcache();
// $cache = new \VSR\Extend\Router\Cache\Memcached();
// $cache = new \VSR\Extend\Router\Cache\Redis();

function callback($id) {
    echo "product $id";

$router = $cache->createRouter(function (\VSR\Extend\Router $router) {
    $router->get('/product/:id', 'callback');
    $router->friendly('/iphone-xs', '/product/100');
    $router->friendly('/samsumg-s10', '/product/200');
}, $hash, $warning);
$router->match('GET', '/iphone-xs')->execute();
// output: "product 100"
  • Allow\Disallow cache prefixes for store.
    • FLAG_ROUTER to enable/disable cache router
    • FLAG_MATCH to enable/disable cache match
    • FLAG_EXECUTE to enable/disable cache execute
    • FLAG_OTHERS to enable/disable cache others
    • FLAG_ALL to enable/disable cache all
$cache = new \VSR\Extend\Router\Cache\Memory();

Context param

Context contains all information about the current execution. Use an argument with the name "$context" of type " omitted,""mixed," or "\VSR\Extend\Router\Context" in middlewares or in the constructor of a class if the middleware is of type non-static class method

$router->get('/aaa', function ($context) { ... });
$router->any('/aaa', function (mixed $context) { ... }); # Explicit mixed type only PHP 8+
$router->get('/a*', function (\VSR\Extend\Router\Context $context) { ... });
$router->any('/a*', function (\VSR\Extend\Router\Context $custom_name_context) { ... });

Context methods/properties

Property Description
$context->current->route Current match middleware route
$context->current->method Current match middleware method
$context->current->uri Current match middleware uri
$context->current->friendly Current match middleware friendly uri
$context->current->params Current match middleware uri variables
$context->header->hash Current execution hash
$context->header->cursor Current execution position on queue middleware
$context->header->total Total execution queue middlewares count
$context->header->state Current execution state
$context->header->startTime Execution start time
$context->header->endTime Execution end time
$context->header->elapsedTime Execution time
$context->cached Execution result is cached
$context->allowedMethods Current match allowed methods
$context->result Partial/Final execution result
$context->execute(?$callback) Start execution, $callback is optional and available argument $context
$context->stop() Stop execution
$context->get($key, $default = null) Get persistent data
$context->set($key, $value) Set persistent data
$context->has($key) Check if persistent data exists

Persisting data

You can persist data in context so that it is persisted in future callbacks.

$router->get('/aaa', function (\VSR\Extend\Router\Context $context) {
    $context->set('xxx', $context->get('xxx', 0) + 10); # 2. Increment value: 5 + 10 = 15
$router->get('/var2', function (\VSR\Extend\Router\Context $context) {
    $context->set('xxx', $context->get('xxx', 0) + 15); # 3. Increment value: 15 + 15 = 30
$context = $router->match('GET', '/aaa')
    ->set('xxx', 5) # 1. Initial value: 5

echo $context->get('xxx');
// output: "30"

Execute with callback

You can run receiving callbacks every middleware run with current context.

$router->post('/:aa', function ($aa) { return "a1:$aa "; }, function ($aa) { return "a2:$aa "; });
$router->post('/:bb', function ($bb) { return "bb:$bb "; });
$router->match('POST', '/99')->execute(function ($context) {
    // partial result, run 3 times
    echo '[' .
        "{$context->header->cursor}/{$context->header->total} " .
        "{$context->current->method} {$context->current->route} = $context->result" .
    '], ';
// output: "[1/3 POST /:aa = a1:99], [2/3 POST /:aa = a2:99], [3/3 POST /:bb = bb:99], "

Middleware with arguments

Route variables and context param are not mandatory in callbacks, so they can be omitted without problems.

$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function () { ... });
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($var1) { ... });
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($var2) { ... });
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($context) { ... });
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function (mixed $context) { ... }); # Explicit mixed type only PHP 8+
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function (\VSR\Extend\Router\Context $context) { ... });
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function (\VSR\Extend\Router\Context $custom_name_context) { ... });
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($var1, $var2) { ... });
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($var1, $context) { ... });
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($var1, mixed $context) { ... }); # Explicit mixed type only PHP 8+
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($var1, \VSR\Extend\Router\Context $context) { ... });
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($var1, \VSR\Extend\Router\Context $custom_name_context) { ... });
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($var2, $context) { ... });
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($var2, mixed $custom_name_context) { ... }); # Explicit mixed type only PHP 8+
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($var2, \VSR\Extend\Router\Context $context) { ... });
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($var2, \VSR\Extend\Router\Context $custom_name_context) { ... });
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($var1, $var2, $context) { ... });
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($var1, $var2, mixed $context) { ... }); # Explicit mixed type only PHP 8+
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($var1, $var2, \VSR\Extend\Router\Context $context) { ... });
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($var1, $var2, \VSR\Extend\Router\Context $custom_name_context) { ... });

Middleware queue

With the "not unique match" pattern, you can have multiple callbacks in queue per order of addition for an uri.

$router->get('/aaa', function () { echo "11 "; }, function () { echo "12 "; }, function () { echo "13 "; });
$router->any('/aaa', function () { echo "2 "; });
$router->get('/a*', function () { echo "3 "; });
$router->any('/a*', function () { echo "4 "; });
$router->get('*', function () { echo "5 "; });
$router->any('*', function () { echo "6 "; });
$router->get('/:var', function ($var) { echo "7 "; });
$router->any('/:var', function ($var) { echo "8 "; });
$router->match('GET', '/aaa')->execute();
// output: "11 12 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "

You can stop the queue using "stop" method of context

$router->get('/aaa', function () { echo "11 "; }, function () { echo "12 "; }, function () { echo "13 "; });
$router->any('/aaa', function () { echo "2 "; });
$router->get('/a*', function () { echo "3 "; });
$router->any('/a*', function (\VSR\Extend\Router\Context $context) { echo "4 "; $context->stop(); });
$router->get('*', function () { echo "5 "; });
$router->any('*', function () { echo "6 "; });
$router->get('/:var', function ($var) { echo "7 "; });
$router->any('/:var', function ($var) { echo "8 "; });
$router->match('GET', '/aaa')->execute();
// output: "11 12 13 2 3 4 "

Supported middleware types

// by native function name
$router->any('/:haystack/:needle', "stripos");


// by function name
function callback($var1, $var2, $context) { ... }
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', "callback");


// by anonymous function
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', function ($var1, $var2, $context) { ... });
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', static function ($var1, $var2, $context) { ... });


// by arrow function, PHP 7.4+
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', fn($var1, $var2, $context) => ...);
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', static fn($var1, $var2, $context) => ...);


// by variable function
$callback1 = function ($var1, $var2, $context) { ... };
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', $callback1);

$callback2 = static function ($var1, $var2, $context) { ... };
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', $callback2);


// by class method
class AAA {
    public function method($var1, $var2, $context) { ... }
$aaa = new AAA();

$router->any('/:var1/:var2', "AAA::method"); // Call first constructor if exists and then method
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', [ AAA::class, 'method' ]); // Call first constructor if exists and then method
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', [ new AAA(), 'method' ]); // Call method
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', [ $aaa, 'method' ]); // Call method


// by class static method
class BBB {
    public static function method($var1, $var2, $context) { ... }
$bbb = new BBB();

$router->any('/:var1/:var2', "BBB::method"); // Call static method
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', [ BBB::class, 'method' ]); // Call static method
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', [ new BBB(), 'method' ]); // Call static method
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', [ $bbb, 'method' ]); // Call static method


// by class method with constructor
class CCC {
    public function __construct($context) { ... }
    public function method($var1, $var2, $context) { ... }

$router->any('/:var1/:var2', "CCC::method"); // Call first constructor and then method
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', [ CCC::class, "method" ]); // Call first constructor and then method


// by class name/object
class DDD {
    public function __invoke($var1, $var2, $context) { ... }
$ddd = new DDD();

$router->any('/:var1/:var2', "DDD"); // Call first constructor if exists and then __invoke
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', DDD::class); // Call first constructor if exists and then __invoke
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', new DDD()); // Call __invoke
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', $ddd); // Call __invoke


// by anonymous class, PHP 7+
$router->any('/:var1/:var2', new class {
    public function __invoke($var1, $var2, $context) { ... }
}); // Call __invoke