
Upload to ESP32-S3 not supported

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I have ESP32-S3 board and when i try upload firmware with platformio it says

A fatal error occurred: This chip is ESP32-S3 not ESP32. Wrong --chip argument?
*** [upload] Error 2

How i can add ESP32-S3 chip to supported list?

I have managed to get it working on the Lilygo T-Display-S3 ESP32-S3-based board (the basic version without touch support), but without support for its 170x320 LCD yet. I'll commit the changes to my fork in the next week or so and push it upstream. Support for the T-Display-S3's 170x320 LCD will have to come later.

Just be aware, the ESP32-S3's pin assignments are slightly different from that of the ESP32. For example, on the ESP32, ADC1_CHANNEL0 is located at GPIO36 while on the ESP32-S3 it has moved to GPIO1. Some pins assignments will therefore differ from the "default" ESP32 pin assignments.

I have ESP32-S3 board and when i try upload firmware with platformio it says

A fatal error occurred: This chip is ESP32-S3 not ESP32. Wrong --chip argument? *** [upload] Error 2

How i can add ESP32-S3 chip to supported list?

To support ESP32-S3, the configuration in PlatformIO.ini needs to be modified like what @DMT07 has done.
The PINs assignment also needs to be rearranged.

I have a ESP32-1732S019 module, which is a ESP32-S3 with 170x320 TFT LCD. I managed to make BrewPiLessGx run on it.

However, we don't have full functionality without touch panel.