
Everything you need to run CasperJS

MIT LicenseMIT

Docker Image for CasperJS

Everything you need to run CasperJS http://casperjs.org
built on top of PhantomJS image https://github.com/vitr/docker-phantomjs
Docker Hub


/home/ubuntu/tests is a folder on host machine with your casperjs tests, it's mounted into the container, you can change it to any folder you prefer.

exec mode

docker run --rm vitr/casperjs casperjs --version
docker run --rm vitr/casperjs phantomjs --version

start the docker container in daemon mode

docker run -d --name casperjs-daemon -v /home/ubuntu/tests:/home/casperjs-tests --restart always vitr/casperjs

check version and run test

docker exec casperjs-daemon casperjs --version
docker exec casperjs-daemon casperjs test mytest.js

sample test

docker exec casperjs-daemon casperjs test /opt/casperjs/samples/googletesting.js

run your own script

docker exec casperjs-daemon casperjs test /home/casperjs-tests/mytesting.js --log-level=debug;

Using PhantomJS

'hello world' and version check (default script)

docker exec casperjs-daemon phantomjs /home/phantomjs/script.js

run your own script

docker exec casperjs-daemon phantomjs /mnt/test/phantomjs/myscript.js

Some key points

By default the image is running as a daemon, note the command in Dockerfile

CMD echo "casperjs running..." && tail -f /dev/null

echo "casperjs running..." is used to identify the running daemon from the host ps -ax
I prefer running it like this on the dedicated test server. Practicing TDD, I use it quite frequently and I don't want to mount the volumes on each test run. I pull my new tests from git directly into the once mounted folder and simply run exec inside the always running container.
If you prefer exec mode, just don't forget the --rm option, as you may pollute your host machine with many useless stopped containers.


  • Add example of docker-compose.yml
