Stories App is an aplication that allows users to create stories, review it and publish them. Following the green path (unnasigned - draft - for review - in review - approved - published). Where only admins (chief editors) can create stories, writers assigned can update the body, and reviewers assigned can review it for approval.
It was developed using Ruby On Rails and MySQL Database
1. Create containers
sudo docker-compose build
After creating, press Ctrl + C to exit the container
2. Create databases
sudo docker-compose run web rake db:create
3. Run migrations
sudo docker-compose run web rake db:migrate
4. Run Seeds
sudo docker-compose run web rake db:seed
5. Start container
sudo docker-compose up
Run Tests
sudo docker-compose run web rspec
docker run -d -p 3307:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root --name mysql mysql:5.7
Then run the commands bellow, except number 1.
1. Install mysql
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
2. Access project root
cd stories_app/
3. Install gems
bundle install
4. Create database
rake db:create
5. Run migrations
rake db:migrate
6. Run Seeds
rake db:seed
6. Start server
rails s
**7. Default Data
By using the seeds.rb file included in the project.
You have some Users created for logging into the app.
The default password for all of them is: 123456
email: - chief editor of organization 'cpn1'
email: - writer of organization 'cpn1'
email:'- reviewer of organization 'cpn1'
email: - writer of organization 'cpn1'
email: - chief editor of organization 'cpn2'
email: - writer of organization 'cpn1'
email:' - reviewer of organization 'cpn2'
All roles assigned above are related to the stories created
when running the default seeds.rb. The only two roles available are chief editor and writer.