
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Artifact for "PyCG: Practicall Call Graph Generation in Python" (ICSE'21)

This is the artifact for the ICSE'21 paper titled "PyCG: Practical Call Graph Generation in Python".

An archived version of the artifact is also available on Zenodo. See https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4457106

Artifact Elements

This artifact contains the following:

  1. The source code of our prototype implementation PyCG (provided as a Git submodule).
  2. The source code of the tools we compare againstPyCG, namely Pyan and Depends (provided as Git submodules).
    • We have made minimal modifications on these tools so that they can run inside the Docker environment and produce output in JSON format. The respective modifications can be found under the data/modifications directory.
  3. The data used to perform the comparison and the evaluation.
    • A micro-benchmark of 112 minimal Python modules stored in data/micro-benchmark.
    • A macro-benchmark of 5 Python packages (provided as Git submodules) stored in data/macro-benchmark along with their ground-truth call graphs.
    • Sample results of the evaluation stored in data/results.
  4. The source code used to perform the evaluation under the scripts directory.

Note that our prototype implementation PyCG is available as open-source software under the Apache 2.0 Licence, and can also be found in the following repository: https://github.com/vitsalis/pycg

The PyCG directory contains the following:

  • pycg/pycg.py: The main module of PyCG. Initializes the analysis state and invokes the iteration of the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).
  • pycg/processing: Defines methods for iterating the AST of the input Python files, while updating the analysis state data structures. In addition, it implements the final iteration of the AST that leads to the generation of the resulting call graph.
  • pycg/machinery: Contains the implemention of the data structures that are used to represent the analysis state. Specifically:
    • pycg/machinery/classes.py: Keeps track of classes and their Method Resolution Order.
    • pycg/machinery/definitions.py: Implements the storage of objects as well as methods that handle the traversal of the assignment graph.
    • pycg/machinery/pointers.py: Keeps track of the assignment relationships between objects.
    • pycg/machinery/scopes.py: Defines methods for creating and accessing the scope tree.
    • pycg/machinery/modules.py: Keeps track of the source modules identified during analysis.
    • pycg/machinery/imports.py: Implements the methods that allow PyCG to discover the file locations of imported files.
  • pycg/utils: Defines common functions (e.g. joining two namespaces) and constants.
  • pycg/formats: Contains JSON generators for different output formats.


Copied from REQUIREMENTS.md

  • A Unix-like operating system (tested on OSx).
  • A Docker installation.
  • A Git installation.
  • At least 5GB of available disk space.


Copied from INSTALL.md

To get the artifact run (estimated running time: ~1 minute)

git clone --recursive https://github.com/vitsalis/pycg-evaluation ~/pycg-evaluation

Install Docker Images

We provide a Dockerfile to build images that contain:

  • An installation of Python version 3.5.
  • An installation of PyCG.
  • An installation of Pyan.
  • An installation of Depends.
  • A user named pycg with sudo priviledges.

Build Images from Source

Note: If you do not want to build the images on your own, please skip this step and proceed to the next section ("Pull Images from Dockerhub").

To build the image named pycg-eval, run the following command (estimated running time: ~10 minutes):

>>> cd ~/pycg-evaluation
>>> docker build -t pycg-eval -f Dockerfile .

After building the Docker image successfully, please navigate to the root directory of the artifact:

cd ~/pycg-evaluation

Pull Images from Dockerhub

You can also download the Docker images from Dockerhub by using the following commands:

docker pull vitsalis/pycg-eval
# Rename the image to be consistent with the scripts
docker tag vitsalis/pycg-eval pycg-eval

After downloading the Docker image, please navigate to the root directory of the artifact:

cd ~/pycg-evaluation

Getting Started

Navigating through the Docker Image

Before producing the results of the evaluation, let's explore the contents of our freshly-created Docker image (i.e., pycg-eval). Run the following command to create and start the new container.

docker run -ti --rm pycg-eval

After executing the command you can enter the home directory (i.e., /home/pycg) of the pycg user. PyCG is already installed in the Docker environment. However, if you want to build PyCG on your own, you can run:

pycg@3ddc263ed13a:~$ cd /pycg
pycg@3ddc263ed13a:/pycg$ python3 setup.py clean
pycg@3ddc263ed13a:/pycg$ sudo python3 setup.py install
pycg@3ddc263ed13a:/pycg$ cd ~


With PyCG installed you can use it through the pycg command:

pycg@3ddc263ed13a:~$ pycg --help
usage: pycg [-h] [--package PACKAGE] [--fasten] [--product PRODUCT]
            [--forge FORGE] [--version VERSION] [--timestamp TIMESTAMP]
            [-o OUTPUT]
            [entry_point [entry_point ...]]

positional arguments:
  entry_point           Entry points to be processed

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --package PACKAGE     Package containing the code to be analyzed
  --fasten              Produce call graph using the FASTEN format
  --product PRODUCT     Package name
  --forge FORGE         Source the product was downloaded from
  --version VERSION     Version of the product
  --timestamp TIMESTAMP
                        Timestamp of the package's version
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output path

PyCG takes as input a list of Python files to analyze. For Python files organized inside a package, the --package argument is required which specifies the root directory of the package under analysis. The optional --fasten, --product, --forge, --version, --timestamp arguments are related to a more descriptive call graph format and are not used for the purposes of the paper.

Generating an example call graph

Let's see how we can generate call graphs for Python programs using PyCG. We wil use our previously created Docker image so that we can generate the call graphs in a fresh environment.

We will investigate the crypto module described in Section 2 of the ICSE paper. The source code for the module can be retrieved from the file scripts/crypto/crypto.py of the artifact and has also been included under the /example directory of the Docker image.

If you are not already inside the Docker environment, you can enter by executing the following:

docker run -ti --rm pycg-eval

Then, navigate to the /example directory and use PyCG to generate the call graph.

pycg@3ddc263ed13a:~$ cd /example
pycg@3ddc263ed13a:/example$ pycg crypto.py | jq .
  "cryptops.decrypt": [],
  "cryptops": [],
  "crypto.Crypto.apply": [
  "crypto.Crypto.__init__": [],
  "cryptops.encrypt": [],
  "crypto": [

PyCG outputs the call graph in JSON format. Note that we have used the jq utility to display JSON output in a human readable format. PyCG generates call graphs using the adjacency list graph format. In this format the keys of the JSON output correspond to the nodes of the graph. A list is assigned to every node. Each entry in the list corresponds to an edge stemming from the key and leading to the list entry.

Note that the call graph generated by PyCG corresponds to the call graph depicted in Figure 2a of the paper.

You can exit the container to proceed to the evaluation:

pycg@3ddc263ed13a:~$ exit



You can start by evaluating the micro-benchmark described in Section 5.1 of the paper. An overview of its contents can be viewed on Table 1.

The source code of the micro-benchmark (i.e., data/micro-benchmark/) is structured as follows. First, the root directory contains 16 subdirectories, one for each category of Table 1. Then, each subdirectory contains directories for each one of the tests that it defines. Finally, each test directory contains the following files:

  • main.py: The entry-point Python module for the test case.
  • README.md: A short description of the test case.
  • callgraph.json: The ground-truth call graph in JSON format.
  • Other *.py files that are imported from the main.py module.

In the following, we will produce the results of Table 3, by examining the completeness and soundness of the call graphs generated by PyCG, Pyan and Depends. To do so, create and enter the pycg-eval container:

docker run --rm -ti \
    -v $(pwd)/data/micro-benchmark:/home/pycg/micro-benchmark/ \
    -v $(pwd)/scripts:/home/pycg/scripts/ \
    -v $(pwd)/data/results:/home/pycg/results/ pycg-eval

The -v option instructs Docker to mount a local volume inside the Docker container. This allows you to access the data/micro-benchmark, scripts and data/results directories from inside the Docker environment.

For the purposes of this evaluation we have implemented a script residing in scripts/micro_benchmark.py that takes as input the path to the the micro-benchmark and generates Python call graphs for PyCG, Pyan and Depends. The script implements the following process for each tool:

  1. Iterate each test case of the micro-benchmark and produce a corresponding call graph.
  2. If needed, convert the resulting call graph to the format used by the micro-benchmark.
  3. Compare the resulting call graph with the ground-truth one in terms of completeness and soundness.
  4. Store the overall results in a CSV file.

Note that the results for each tool will be stored in CSV format in the files pycg_micro_benchmark.csv, pyan_micro_benchmark.csv, and depends_micro_benchmark.csv under the data/results directory for future reference. (estimated running time: 10 minutes)

pycg@b789f559b119:~$ python3 scripts/micro_benchmark.py \
        micro-benchmark results /pyan/pyan.py /depends

Now, let's collect the previously generated results for the micro-benchmark evaluation and present them in a human readable format. The script table3.py does the job:

pycg@b789f559b119:~$ python3 scripts/table3.py results

The expected output of the above command is stored in the data/results/table3.txt file.

Finally, let's exit the container and proceed to the macro-benchmark:

pycg@b789f559b119:~$ exit


Now, we will focus on the macro-benchmark described in Section 5.1 of the paper. An overview of its contents can be viewed in Table 2.

The macro-benchmark directory contains two subdirectories:

  • projects: Contains the source code for the macro-benchmark projects (Table 2) as Git submodules.
  • ground-truth-cgs: Contains the ground truth call graphs for each of the projects.

We will start by generating the call graphs for each project using PyCG, Pyan, and Depends while keeping track of their execution times. To do that, please create and enter the Docker container:

docker run --rm -ti \
    -v $(pwd)/data/macro-benchmark:/home/pycg/macro-benchmark/ \
    -v $(pwd)/scripts:/home/pycg/scripts/ \
    -v $(pwd)/data/results:/home/pycg/results/ pycg-eval

We have implemented corresponding scripts that generate call graphs using the three tools. These scripts take as parameters the location of the macro-benchmark, (if needed) a script that converts tool generated call graphs into the format used by the macro-benchmark, and a directory to store execution metrics results in CSV format.

First, let's you can generate the PyCG call graphs. Note that the generated call graphs will be stored under data/macro-benchmark/pycg-cgs for further inspection:

pycg@2c5b63e7615b:~$ ./scripts/generate_pycg_cgs.sh macro-benchmark results

You can do the same for Pyan, passing a call graph convertion script as an argument. The generated call graphs will be stored under data/macro-benchmark/pyan-cgs for further inspection:

pycg@9bf0a9e35e86:~$ ./scripts/generate_pyan_cgs.sh macro-benchmark \
        /pyan/pyan.py scripts/convert_pyan_cgs.py results

Note: Don't be alarmed if Pyan crashes for the fabric and asciinema projects. This is expected, and we have included their execution to demonstrate that Pyan cannot generate a call graph for them, as stated in Section 5.3. For example, you should expect something along the lines of the following error for fabric:

Generating call graph for: fabric
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/pyan/pyan.py", line 11, in <module>
  File "/pyan/pyan/main.py", line 110, in main
    v = CallGraphVisitor(filenames, logger)
  File "/pyan/pyan/analyzer.py", line 77, in __init__
  File "/pyan/pyan/analyzer.py", line 84, in process
  File "/pyan/pyan/analyzer.py", line 98, in process_one
    self.visit(ast.parse(content, filename))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/ast.py", line 245, in visit
    return visitor(node)
  File "/pyan/pyan/analyzer.py", line 175, in visit_Module
    self.generic_visit(node)  # visit the **children** of node
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/ast.py", line 253, in generic_visit
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/ast.py", line 245, in visit
    return visitor(node)
  File "/pyan/pyan/analyzer.py", line 375, in visit_ImportFrom
    if self.add_uses_edge(from_node, to_node):
  File "/pyan/pyan/analyzer.py", line 1294, in add_uses_edge
    self.remove_wild(from_node, to_node, to_node.name)
  File "/pyan/pyan/analyzer.py", line 1321, in remove_wild
    if to_node.get_name().find("^^^argument^^^") != -1:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find'

Finally, you can generate call graphs using Depends. The generated call graphs will be stored under data/macro-benchmark/depends-cgs.

pycg@9bf0a9e35e86:~$ ./scripts/generate_depends_cgs.sh macro-benchmark \
    /depends scripts/convert_depends_cgs.py results

Precision & Recall

Having generated the call graphs for the macro-benchmark projects, you can compare them against the ground-truth call graphs and generate the precision and recall metrics presented in Table 4 of the paper.

To do so, we have implemented a script that takes as input the directory containing the tool generated call graphs for each tool and the directory containing the ground truth call graphs. Then, it examines the call graphs generated for each project producing precision and recall metrics which are then stored in a CSV file. Specifically, the macro-benchmark results for each tool are stored under the data/results directory with file names pycg_macro_benchmark_eval.csv, pyan_macro_benchmark_eval.csv, and depends_macro_benchmark_eval.csv corresponding to PyCG, Pyan, and Depends respectivelly:

pycg@9bf0a9e35e86:~$ python3 scripts/compare_macro_benchmark_cg.py \
        macro-benchmark/pycg-cgs macro-benchmark/pyan-cgs \
        macro-benchmark/depends-cgs macro-benchmark/ground-truth-cgs results

Let's combine the generated CSV files and present their results in a human readable format. To do so, you can employ the table4.py script:

pycg@9bf0a9e35e86:~$ python3 scripts/table4.py results

The results should correspond to the ones depicted on Table 4. Specifically, in terms of precision, PyCG is a little more precise than Depends, while Pyan lags behind. In terms of recall, PyCG achieves the highest marks followed by Pyan and Depends. A sample output is provided in the data/results/table4.txt file.


We will now combine the execution time metrics generated and present them in a human readable format. To do so, invoke:

pycg@9bf0a9e35e86:~$ python3 scripts/table5.py results

The output of this command should follow the trends depicted in Table 5 of the paper. Specifically, Pyan should have the fastest execution times, followed by PyCG. Depends should have the slowest execution times. A sample output is provided in data/results/table5.txt.