
Source & Sink Connector Configuration files for Kafka

MongoDB To S3

This repository contains Kafka connector configuration files which enables real time data synchronization from MongoDB to AWS S3 Bucket.


  • Kafka Cluster
  • MongoDB Instance
  • AWS S3 Bucket


  • Download & Install the MongoDB Source & AWS Sink Connector Plugin in your Kafka Cluster

  • Update the following in the mongodb-source-connector.properties connector configuration file.

    • CONNECTION-STRING - MongoDB Cluster Connection String
    • DB-NAME - Database Name
    • COLLECTION-NAME - Collection Name
  • Update the following in the s3-sink-connector.properties connector configuration file.

    • TOPIC-NAME - Kafka Topic Name (i.e DB.COLLECTION name)
    • S3-REGION - AWS S3 Region Name
    • S3-BUCKET-NAME - AWS S3 Bucket Name where you wish to push the data.
  • Deploy the connector configuration files in your Kafka Cluster. This will enable real time data synchronization from MongoDB to AWS S3 Buckets.

Note: The above connector push the data to the S3 bucket at a regular interval of time, these configuration can be modified based on the use case. Refer to the following documentation for more details.