
Mobile Components for StoreFront

Primary LanguageHTML

Storefront Ionic Mobile Application


This is a IBM Mobile Foundation based Ionic Mobile Application frontend to the storefront application. The application allows mobile app users to browse the storefront catalog items, make an order and review profile.

Storefront Screenshot

Component Interaction Design

IBM Mobile Foundation is positioned as the mobile gateway to the StoreFront providing mobile app and device security over and above the Storefront user authentication and authorization. All calls to from the mobile app to the Storefront backend services are made via Mobile Foundation to exploit this comprehensive security. The Storefront backend services are registered with Mobile Foundation as confidential clients with appropriate allowed scopes to enable them to invoke the Send Push Notifications API.




  1. Ensure that the Storefront services including Mobile Foundation services are deployed and running
  2. Clone this repo locally and change current working directory to storefront-mobile-ionic
git clone git@github.com:ibm-garage-ref-storefront/storefront-mobile-ionic.git
cd storefront-mobile-ionic
  1. If you are setting up Storefront services for the first time or have reset it then you will need to configure Mobile Foundation services for this StoreFront mobile application as follows: -
    • This StoreFront Mobile Application is designed to receive Push Notifications about the progress of StoreFront order shippments. To enable Mobile Foundation Push Notifications service for this application you must configure the service for Push Notification Credentials (FCM, APNS). Edit mfpconfig/app_config.json file and update it for these credentials under json object services.push.settings. To know more about what these settings and credentials are about lookup https://mobilefirstplatform.ibmcloud.com/tutorials/en/foundation/8.0/notifications/sending-notifications/#setting-up-notifications
    • All other required configurations are already preset into mfpconfig/app_config.json file
    • To enable push notification on Android remember to replace google-services.json into the directory ionic
    • Edit mfpconfig/server_config.json and input the endpoint url, port and admin credentials for the Mobile Foundation Server
    • Save mfpconfig/server_config.json and mfpconfig/app_config.json files
    • From the root of this repo clone i.e. from the directory storefront-mobile-ionic run the following command
      mfpdev app register
      and you must see the following output
      Registering to server:'http://<mobile foundation endpoint url>:<port>' runtime:'mfp'
      Registered app for platform: android
      Registered app for platform: ios
    • Edit adapter/BlueAuthLogin/config.json and input the token endpoint url, client id and client secret of the storefront microservice
    • Save adapter/BlueAuthLogin/config.json file
    • From the directory adapter/BlueAuthLogin run the following command to deploy an Blue Auth Adapter
      • mfpdev adapter deploy
      • mfpdev adapter push and you must see the following output
       locahost:BlueAuthLogin user$ mfpdev adapter deploy
       Verifying server configuration...
       Deploying adapter to runtime mfp on http://localhost:9080/mfpadmin...
       Successfully deployed adapter
       user:BlueAuthLogin user$ mfpdev adapter push
       Verifying server configuration...
       Pushing adapter configuration to runtime mfp on http://localhost:9080/mfpadmin...
       Successfully pushed adapter configuration

Now all the storefront services are up and running and Mobile Fountation is also configured.

  1. Edit ionic/config.xml file and update the element <mfp:server runtime="mfp" url="<url for mobile foundation server" /> for the url endpoint of the Mobile Foundation server

  2. From a command-line window, navigate to the project's root folder and run the commands:

    • cd ionic - to navigate to application folder
    • ionic cordova platform add ios or ionic cordova platform add android - to add a platform.
    • ionic cordova run - to run the application.
  3. Run the application to view the catalog, make an order and review the user profile.


ionic-angular 3.9.2

Supported Levels

IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation 8.0