
HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT - Simple Arduino library that allows you to communicate in J1850-PWM mode.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Arduino library which allow to decode characters on J1850-PWM mode. It works with wire, radio and laser transmissions. You just have to choose your bit-rate (lower is better), tx and rx pins. It doesn't have either a header nor a parity check. These functions could be implemented at a higher protocol layer. It doesn't detect SOF (start of frame) and EOF (end of frame) yet.

Required libraries:

  1. DigitalWriteFast (Tested with version 1.0.0, Download: https://github.com/watterott/Arduino-Libs)
  2. EnableInterrupt (Tested with version 0.9.5, Download: https://github.com/GreyGnome/EnableInterrupt)

This library has been tested with:

  1. Wire connection between two Arduino
  2. Radio connection (multipoint) with FSK modulation (and OOK too), module RTX-MID-868. Datasheet: https://goo.gl/UEv8ii
  3. Laser connection (experimental circuit)

1. Wire connection between two Arduino (DEFAULT)

Arduino Uno (TRX) Arduino Uno (TRX) Notes
13 3 Intelligent signal Tx
3 13 Intelligent signal Rx

2. Radio connection with RTX-MID-868 (DEFAULT)

Arduino Uno (TX) RTX-MID-868 module Notes
13 4 Intelligent signal Tx
12 5 Enable TX/RX
11 6 Power Up/Down
3 9 Intelligent signal Rx
+5V 10 +2,5V ÷ +6V
GND 2, 7 Common GND


In order to keep the transmission medium free (ether) after transmission, it is recommended to use the "setTxRxModePin" method (see example sketch "Advanced_TX"). The "mode_pin" is connected to the radio module and is used to choose the transmission directions (to select transmission or reception, see datasheet of RTX-MID-868 module https://goo.gl/UEv8ii).