
Loading saves

dogerizergaming opened this issue · 8 comments

Loading saves crashes the game and displays this error

Yes, this was the version I used when I got that error.

Could you please post your save file here or upload it somewhere? I'll try to debug the issue as soon as I have some free time. Sorry!

@dogerizergaming: for some reason I am not able to reproduce the issue on my side, weird. Could you please try starting the game in -novr mode first and then in debug mode and see if loading the save file still causes the issue?

@dogerizergaming: did you have any chance to test the save file with -novr? Would love to squash this bug!

@dogerizergaming: I got this report from another player, could you confirm?

that error presents itself only if you attempt to load the saved game confirming with the 'Enter' key on the virtual on-screen keyboard, but it doesn't happen if you use the controller button or a real keyboard". Can anyone else confirm?

sorry for taking so long, but yes, i can confirm that it is true for multiplayer as well