Victor's Petstore

Simple pet store written in PHP.

I tried to keep it reusable as much as possible. There is Core\Base functionality available to use for other projects.

The project structure is follows:

-data //Data fixtures. A real DB was not used.
 -- Adapters // contains adapters to the framework functionality
 -- Framework // it is oversimplified and it was built just for the task
 -- App // it is application layer. Please find use cases there.
 -- Core // it is Domain layer that implements domain api.

Instalation and Usage

To install just run composer install

The only console version is available. To run program simply use php index.php

The following commands are available:

  • php index.php revenue: Show petstore revenue report
  • php index.php showroom: Show pets that should be in the showroom

To run tests please use composer test command.


PHP 7.2 or above
