For creating tech trees for the game Aurora 4X
First either convert from the access database (SteveFire,mdb included with the game) to a mysql database, or import the database dump provided. You can convert with mdbtools using provided (from, and edit to only do the tables you need (ResearchField, TechSystem, and TechType), or just pipe the provided sql file into a database.
Make sure both and have the correct database settings (name, username, password)
Once your database is up, run: perl
to create the .dot file. Then using the graphviz package, you can create your trees using whatever method you prefer. The usual form: dot -Tpng -o graph.png
Can replace "dot" with neato, circo, twopi, or sfdp for different styles of tree, but will lose some functionality (like colored groups) Can also replace -Tpng with -Tjpg or -Tpdf for other output formats.
If you want to not include the trans-newtonian tech link (for cleanliness), you can change the flag at the top of the file to be $dropNewton=1; instead of 0.
A more complicated example: circo -Goverlap=compress -Gsplines="curved" -Gscale=0.03 -Tjpg -o examples/circo.jpg
For a full list of graph/style options, see: