
Visual Studio Code extension for Robot Framework

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Robot Framework language support for Visual Studio Code

This Visual Studio Code extension supports editing .robot files.

Supported features are:

  • Syntax highlighting
  • Command 'Robot: Search Keyword'

Syntax highlighting is self-explanatory, and only supports files with extension .robot. It's based on TextMate bundle by Jussi Malinen.

Keyword Search requires you to generate the documentation xml files for the libraries you are using, with libdoc.

You can copy the xml files for a selection of standard libraries from robotframework-libdocs project, if you don't want to generate them yourself.

If the .robot file you are editing has these libary references:

Library    Foo
Library    Bar

...keyword search will look for files Foo.xml and Bar.xml within the PYTHONPATH (same mechanism as used by RIDE).

Installation: install from Visual Studio Code marketplace, name of the extension is robotframework.

Author: Ville M. Vainio vivainio@gmail.com

License: MIT