
Demo of using StencilJS in Angular 1 application

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Modest TypeScript-Angular 1.x Boilerplate


This boilerplate uses the TypeScript compiler directly to bundle files into a single file with AMD-modules.

The typescript compiler is run with: tsc -p app --outFile dev/js/main.js

Unscientific benchmarks suggest this approach to be considerably faster than Browserify or Webpack.

The bundle includes a small (1kb when minified) AMD API shim called Almond.

The essential stylesheet, template and watch related tasks you would except in a boilerplate are also included. Test runners, linting etc. are left out to avoid bloating the repository too much.

Getting started

  • You need to have npm and node installed
  • If you don't have gulp installed as a global package, you can get by by using the defined npm scripts, but I would definitely advice installing gulp. To get a list of available gulp tasks, just run gulp.
  • To install packages, run npm install
  • To build the app, run npm run build
  • To start the application, run npm start and navigate to localhost:7203 in your browser.
Minifying your app
  • By default the application is build into dev folder un-minified and with sourcemaps.
  • To get your application production ready, just run npm run minify or gulp minify. Note: this task expects you to have all of your html, js and css already in the dev folder.
  • Alternatively, you can run gulp minify-js and gulp minify-css.
  • Notice that the minified files end up in dist folder.
Adding new dependencies
  • In gulp/config.js you'll see a list of vendor paths pointing to node_modules folder.
  • To add new dependencies, just install them through npm by running npm install --save <new_dependency>, and add a new filepath in gulp/config.js.
  • Notice that JS and CSS dependencies are maintained separately.
