This software generates and checks electronic signatures for arbitrary files. The implementation is based on the Russian ГОСТ (GOST) Р 34-10.94 standard. However it has simplifications and uses a custom hash funciton.

This is a school project and has only educational value. Not to be used in productoin.

To be able to run the program, first you will need to build it. Simply run


This makes a jar file. Now the program can be run with

java -jar  digitalSignature.jar	


<filename> [options], where <filename> is a path to the file you want to form a signature for Signature is stored to and loaded from <filename>.sg


--hash only calculate hash
--help show this help
--check[=<filename>] check whether the signature for the given file is correct. If filename is specified, it looks there for parameters such as public key. If it is ommitted, .info is used by default.
--private_key=<key> set private key manually