Torch implementation of traveling salesman problem using A star search.
A star search:
- In run
th distances2coordinates.lua
to convert distances to xy coordinates. - Run
th tsp.lua
to run the a star search algorithm and output the path:
Kruskal algorithm:
- Run
th kruskal_run.lua
Dijkstra algorithm:
- Run
th dijkstra.lua
which contains dijkstra algorithm
A star search for a maze:
th a_star_closed.lua
using closed a_star_no_closed.lua
without closed set.
Lua implementation of disjoint set is disjoint.lua
Priority queue implementation pq3.lua
is taken from
Traveling salesman solution is specified at Heuristic function = distance to the nearest unvisited city from the current city + estimated distance to travel all the unvisited cities (MST heuristic used here) + nearest distance from an unvisited city to the start city. Note that this is an admissible heuristic function.
Data is taken from, data.txt
contains distances between each pair of cities.
To find out about when closed set should be used, what are the requirements for A star search algorithm and when dijkstra algorithm is equivalent to a star search, see*_search_algorithm.