
Torch implementation of traveling salesman problem using A star search

Primary LanguageLua

Torch implementation of traveling salesman problem using A star search.

A star search:

  • In Terminal.app run th distances2coordinates.lua to convert distances to xy coordinates.
  • Run th tsp.lua to run the a star search algorithm and output the path: th visualize_word_vectors.lua

Kruskal algorithm:

  • Run th kruskal_run.lua

Dijkstra algorithm:

  • Run th dijkstra.lua which contains dijkstra algorithm

A star search for a maze:

  • th a_star_closed.lua using closed set.
  • th a_star_no_closed.lua without closed set.

Lua implementation of disjoint set is disjoint.lua.

Priority queue implementation pq3.lua is taken from http://web.cs.wpi.edu/~cs2223/b11/.

Traveling salesman solution is specified at http://www.public.asu.edu/~huanliu/AI04S/project1.htm. Heuristic function = distance to the nearest unvisited city from the current city + estimated distance to travel all the unvisited cities (MST heuristic used here) + nearest distance from an unvisited city to the start city. Note that this is an admissible heuristic function. Data is taken from http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/datasets/tsp/tsp.html, data.txt contains distances between each pair of cities.

To find out about when closed set should be used, what are the requirements for A star search algorithm and when dijkstra algorithm is equivalent to a star search, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm.