AngularJS - Material - Boilerplate

This project is a seed for AngularJS applications with Materal Design.


This boilerplate is based on angluar/material-start [] and ng-boilerplate [].

design things are from material-start and bulid and test things from ngbp. so if you want to know how to bulid and test , just visit [].


AngularJS AngularJS is one of the hottest structural framework for dynamic web apps base on Javascript. AngularJS is for Single-page-application, so if you want to build new SPA, just try it. and visit Angular site to get more information.

앵귤러를 처음 접하시거나 앵귤러에 대해서 알고 싶으신 분은 제 블로그에 앵귤러의 개발자 가이드를 번역한 부분이 있습니다. 들어오셔서 읽어보시면 배우시는데 도움이 될 것 같습니다.

Material Design Material design is Google's visual language for device such as desktop, smartphone, smart TV .. if you want to learn more about material design, just visit google's design site

Getting Started

To get you started you can simply clone the angular-material-boilerplate repository and install the dependencies:

Clone Clone the angular-seed repository using [git]:

git clone [your project name]

Packages install

npm install

Packages Update

npm update

and then

bower update

This will find the latest versions that match the version ranges specified in the bower.json file.

Running the App during Development

npm start

The angular-seed project comes preconfigured with a local development webserver. It is a node.js tool called [http-server]. You can install http-server globally:

sudo npm install -g http-server

Then you can start your own development web server to serve static files from a folder by running:

cd bulid
http-server -a localhost -p 8000

Alternatively, you can choose to configure your own webserver, such as apache or nginx. Just configure your server to serve the files under the bulid/ directory.

Running e2e tests

node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update

node_modules/protractor/bin/protractor protractor_conf.js