
Simple command line calculator

Primary LanguageJava

Simple command line calculator. Supports arithmetic expressions, including operators, functions and parentheses.

Supported operations:

add(+), subtract(-), divide(/), multiply(*), modulus(%), power(^)

Supported functions:

sine(sin), cosine(cos), tan, log

Known issues:

1. No support for negation operator (unary minus). As a work-around, use 0 - n instead of -n. For example, instead of -2^2, use (0-2)^2

Implementation outline:

1. Accept input from command prompt, in in-fix notation

2. Parse input into tokens

3. Convert tokens into post-fix notation, using shunting yard algorithm

4. Build a Binary Expression Tree from post-fix tokens

5. Evaluate expression by traversing Binary Expression Tree

6. Print result to command prompt and repeat on a loop