Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Information

This project contains some functionalities of RTO website. This project was created as the college project to learn full stack development with MERN stack.

Project Name :

  • Regional Transport Office Website

Technologies :

  • MongoDB
  • Express JS
  • React JS
  • Node JS


  • Driving Licence Related Services

    • Apply for Learning License
    • Apply for Driving License
    • Change the Details in License
  • Vehicle Registration

    • Apply for New Vehicle Registration
    • Fancy Number Plate Allocation
  • Driving School Related Services

    • Driving School Registration

Team Members :

  • Vivek Patel
  • Jay Shah

(Screen shots of the project will be added as soon as the project gets completed)


Project Initialization

Basic Structure

  • Create Project Folder (Suggested Name: Project)

  • Create Two Folder under Project folder named server and client

  • client folder contains all frontend code

  • server folder contains all backend code.

  • Initilize Project folder with npm using 'npm init'

    //Where you want to create project open it in terminal
        mkdir Project
        cd Project
        mkdir client
        mkdir server
        npm init -y

Client side Initilization

  • Open the client folder

  • Create react app in that folder

  • Test your react app using npm start

    //continue with previos code
        cd client
        ngx create-react-app rto
        npm start
  • Add following dependencies.

  • Axios is a lightweight HTTP client based similar to a Fetch API. Axios is a promise-based async/await library for readable asynchronous code. We can easily integrate with React, and it is effortless to use in any front-end framework.

        npm install --save react-router-dom
        npm install --save axios
  • Make components and make ready the frontend part of the project separately.

Server side Initilization

  • Open the server folder

  • Run command npm init

  • Install dependencies which are needed(Express, mongoose, multer etc.)

  • Create file named as app.js

    //continue with previos code
        cd server
        npm init -y
        npm install express
        npm install multer
        npm install mongoose
    //create file name as app.js
  • Open file app.js

  • Initilize the express app

  • Declare port manually or env port

  • Listen that port to run the file

    //Code for app.js
    const express = require('express');
    const port = process.env.PORT || 8082;
    const app = express();
    app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Hello world!'));
    app.listen(port, ()=>{
        console.log(`Server is running on port: http://localhost:${port}`);
  • Now run app.js file (node app.js)

  • Check the url http://localhost:8082

  • It will display "Hello world!" output to the screen.

Structure for client side

  • controller folder from where you can controll all logics
  • routes folder from where you can manage url redirecting
  • models folder for handling the database models
  • config folder to configure database
    //Open Project folder in terminal then run
    mkdir routes
    mkdir controller
    mkdir models
    mkdir config

MongoDB Setup (Localhost)

  • Install Dependency for database connection

  • You need to install mongodb & await

        npm install mongodb
        npm install await
  • Create file name as db.js

    //db.js file content
    const MongoClient = require('mongodb');
    const connect = async function(){
    await MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:2c7017/', (err, client) => {
                if(err) throw err;
                console.log("database connected successfully");
    module.exports = connect;
  • In file where you want to access database you can use config file as require argument.

  • You can check wheather given code is working or not by running the db.js file but before that you need to add connect(); befor module.exports to run function.

Mongoose Connection (Atlas)

  • Create database with appropriate user.
  • User has to permision for read/write.
  • After that click on connect button of database and choose connect your application.
  • Copy the connection string for your application.
    mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<database name>.<your code>.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority
  • This is like your connection string should be.

- Install mongoose package by `npm i mongoose` or `npm install mongoose`. - If you want to use connection string from env variable then you neeed to install dotnev by `npm i dotnev`. (Recommended) - Open config.js file to add database configuration. ```js const { default: mongoose } = require("mongoose"); require("dotenv").config();
  Here you have to set env variable named MONGO_URI as copied connection string from atlas database. You can set your env variable called MONGO_URI as connection string.

  const db = process.env.MONGO_URI;

  const connect = async () => {

    try {
      await mongoose.connect(db, { useNewUrlParser: true });
    catch (err) {

  module.exports = connect;
  • Note : Just use localhost or mongooes connection. Mongoose is cloud base and localhost is for local system.

Connection between Frontend and Backend

  • we need to install cors in our back-end (server-side) project. run npm install cors in backend project.
  • now start the npm start in frontend and npm run app in the backend. It should Work!!