
Mindex- Java coding assignment

Primary LanguageJava

Coding Challenge

What's Provided

A simple Spring Boot web application has been created and bootstrapped with data. The application contains information about all employees at a company. On application start-up, an in-memory Mongo database is bootstrapped with a serialized snapshot of the database. While the application runs, the data may be accessed and mutated in the database without impacting the snapshot.

How to Run

The application may be executed by running gradle bootRun.

How to Use

The following endpoints are available to use:

    * HTTP Method: POST 
    * URL: localhost:8080/employee
    * PAYLOAD: Employee
    * RESPONSE: Employee
    * HTTP Method: GET 
    * URL: localhost:8080/employee/{id}
    * RESPONSE: Employee
    * HTTP Method: PUT 
    * URL: localhost:8080/employee/{id}
    * PAYLOAD: Employee
    * RESPONSE: Employee

The Employee has a JSON schema of:

  "properties": {
    "employeeId": {
      "type": "string"
    "firstName": {
      "type": "string"
    "lastName": {
          "type": "string"
    "position": {
          "type": "string"
    "department": {
          "type": "string"
    "directReports": {
      "type": "array",
      "items" : "string"

For all endpoints that require an "id" in the URL, this is the "employeeId" field.

What to Implement

Clone or download the repository, do not fork it.

Task 1

Create a new type, ReportingStructure, that has two properties: employee and numberOfReports.

For the field "numberOfReports", this should equal the total number of reports under a given employee. The number of reports is determined to be the number of directReports for an employee and all of their distinct reports. For example, given the following employee structure:

                    John Lennon
                /               \
         Paul McCartney         Ringo Starr
                               /        \
                          Pete Best     George Harrison

The numberOfReports for employee John Lennon (employeeId: 16a596ae-edd3-4847-99fe-c4518e82c86f) would be equal to 4.

This new type should have a new REST endpoint created for it. This new endpoint should accept an employeeId and return the fully filled out ReportingStructure for the specified employeeId. The values should be computed on the fly and will not be persisted.

---> Created REST API to get reporting structure of specific employee, with given employeeId and total reporting count (Direct and Indirect) for that employee

GET request = "/reportingStructure/{id}"

Task 2

Create a new type, Compensation. A Compensation has the following fields: employee, salary, and effectiveDate. Create two new Compensation REST endpoints. One to create and one to read by employeeId. These should persist and query the Compensation from the persistence layer.

---> Created a new type called Compensation with two REST endpoints

1: POST request = "/compensation" 
    to create and save Compensation class data in mongoDB database
2: GET request = "/compensation/{id}"
    to get compensation class data from mongoDB database


Please upload your results to a publicly accessible Git repo. Free ones are provided by Github and Bitbucket.