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Simple console menu driven room scheduler framework.
Project Working Demo (all demo files location: link)
- Software Verification & Maintenance: MSCS 721L | Duration: Spring 2018 (Jan - May 2018)
- Degree: Masters in Computer Science - Software Development | College: Marist College, NY
- Professor: Michael Gildein
- Perform & experience the STLC process using Room Scheduler project that allows users to create rooms and schedule meeting for it
- Java, Jenkins, Docker, GSON, Static Code Analysis, jUnit, Selenium
- Testing: Performance using visualVM, Load using jMeter, Combinatorial using PICT, Mutation
- Add a room with max accommodation capacity
- Remove and view the created room info
- Schedule room and view the scheduled room info
- Export room info so that it can be later imported (since this pgm does not use db to store values. GSON is used here to store info)
- Import room info from recently exported room information (GSON is used here.)
- Enhancement tweaks
- Moving to better GUI
Tasks | (Program is solid. but waiting for other fellow testers to test and break my code if it has any loop holes)
Completed objectives:
- Code modification & testing log file - Link
- Add the ability to import and export the meeting, room, and schedule data to JSON a file or files, so that one can save and restore data entered from each program execution.
- Harden and enhance the program to handle errors so that the program will not crash or fail, no matter what the user does. “Make the program idiot proof.”
- Add conflict checking to scheduling a room.
- Add comments using Javadoc tools and guideline
- Run static tool analysis and correct stuffs
- Correct issues in repo reported Issues in RoomScheduler
- Documenting all the stuffs I did so far
- Resolving any issues reported
- Report any issues of the peers
- Review peer code
- Junit tests
- CI using Jenkins
- Docker usage
Pending objectives:
- bucket_will_be_loaded
- All the stuffs I did that involves in the modification of code will be present in this link Modification Log - click this link and view the Modification Log file
- App Enhancement Log - click this link and view the App Enhancements Information file
View Parent Repo by Professor: Michael Gildein.
- Initial code of this was overly simple, intentially uncommented, and buggy which was intended to be used as an extendable framework for testing class assignments.
- This is very simple, just open the file project pointing to this code repo's src folder
- Make sure JAVA setup is available in your machine (coded when java was on version 1.8.0_144)
- Open console command prompt or gitbash (I love git bash. Try this one)
- Pull this code to your machine and run it (Install git and use git bash for the followings)
- Create a folder and do
- git init
- Add this repo as your remote origin
- git remote add origin
- Pull the code in this repo to your remote origin
- git pull origin master
- Type the followings (running the program in a particular path matters)
- if you are in the created folder then, run like the following
- Vivek-Pc@kev MINGW64 /e/Marist/Semester2/SoftwareVerificationAndMaintenance/RoomScheduler (master)
- $ java -jar src/resources/files/roomExportedFiles/exportedRoomScheduler.jar
- Or move into all the way to roomExportedFiles folder and then try like the following
- Vivek-Pc@kev MINGW64 /e/Marist/Semester2/SoftwareVerificationAndMaintenance/RoomScheduler/src/resources/files/roomExportedFiles (master)
- $ java -jar exportedRoomScheduler.jar
- if you are in the created folder then, run like the following
- Create a folder and do
Beware of the lots of scrolling to come :P
Executing Room Scheduler Program
Scheduled Room Information Page - ALL ROOMS
Scheduled Room Information Page - Desired Room
Export Room Home Page - After adding all the rooms
Removing all the rooms to demonstrate the import and export feature
Import Room Home Page - imoprt all the room info using a json file
After Import view all rooms scheduled information
Wow! Appreciate you for scrolling all the way down.
Highly appreciate if you could test this appln and log the issues or enhancements.
Have a great day!