
It is a doctor patient appointment ,which allows patient to book appointments to a doctor using PHP,HTML,JAVASCRIPT

Primary LanguagePHP


It is a appointment system,which allows patient to book appointments to a doctor . The doctor can view his appointments , accept an appointment or reject it. The patient will be informed about the same using an email The patient can cancel the appointment and can see his past history of treatment. Also a patient can donate blood . When a blood donation request is made a doctor recives the request and any of the doctor can select it A patient can search the doctor in his city or by filtering the field of doctors and many more. To build this we have used HTML,CSS, JAVASCRIPT,PHP and PHP MAILER library for sending mails.

The patient html,css,php files are starting with patient_ and the admin files start with admin_ and so on. The patient can book a appointments from the website and can also donate a blood. In admins pannel it will show how many appointments are made and how much blood donations are made by each blood group present.