
A fun way to count push-ups (React Native)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A React Native mobile app that offers a fun way to keep track of push-ups.

Counting Push-ups With Your Nose

  • Place the device directly below your nose while in the push-up position
  • Perform a push-up, aiming your nose at the circular counter (this forces reps to be more slow and controlled as well)

Setting Personal Goals

  • The app allows you to set a custom target number of repetitions and tracks your progress as you perform push-ups
  • The app's built-in timer allows you to set time-limits and track how long it takes you to complete your push-ups

Custom Incrementing and Settings

  • Swipe up the drawer at the bottom to access the settings
  • Want to count in sets instead? Simply set a custom increment and press the button on the top right of the settings menu
  • You can enable/disable sounds and haptic feedback as well. With sound enabled, a voice will tell you how many pushups you have remaining (with every 10 reps)


  • Tap the 'water drop' button to pause and cover the timer (can be used to clean the screen without accidentally pressing buttons)
  • Press and hold the "RESUME" button to start the timer again
Counter 1 Counter 2 Counter 3

Vivek K.

(Image source: https://www.vecteezy.com/vector-art/162096-man-doing-push-up-vector-illustration)