For CiviCRM 4.3 and 4.2: Install extension You can get Braintree Payment Processor Extension from here : Tasks need to be done after installing the extension. 1. signup to 2. Go to System Settings -> Payment Processors 3. Select Braintree from Payment processor type dropdown 4. Fill the Merchant Id,Public Key and Private Key which will you get when you login to Tasks needs to be done to run the test cases. 1. Go to the tests folder of the extention. 2. Copy All files inside the com.paymentprocessor.braintree/tests/phpunit/WebTest/Cotribute and paste it in civicrm(Your Civicrm module directory)/tests/phpunit/WebTest/Cotribute 3. Copy All files inside the com.paymentprocessor.braintree/tests/phpunit/WebTest/Event and paste it in civicrm(Your Civicrm module directory)/tests/phpunit/WebTest/Event 4. Copy All files inside the com.paymentprocessor.braintree/tests/phpunit/WebTest/Member and paste it in civicrm(Your Civicrm module directory)/tests/phpunit/WebTest/Member 5. cd path/to/civicrm/packages/SeleniumRC 6. sh Now you are all set to run the web tests. To run Online Contribution tests scripts/phpunit -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD -hHOST -bTESTDBNAME WebTest_Contribute_OnlineContributionBraintreeTest Offline Contribution tests scripts/phpunit -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD -hHOST -bTESTDBNAME WebTest_Contribute_OfflineContributionBraintreeTest Event creation and Online registration tests scripts/phpunit -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD -hHOST -bTESTDBNAME WebTest_Event_AddEventBraintreeTest Event creation and Ofline add participants tests scripts/phpunit -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD -hHOST -bTESTDBNAME WebTest_Event_AddParticipationBraintreeTest Online membership signup scripts/phpunit -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD -hHOST -bTESTDBNAME WebTest_Member_OnlineMembershipBraintreeCreateTest Offline membership payment and autorenew scripts/phpunit -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD -hHOST -bTESTDBNAME WebTest_Member_OfflineAutoRenewBraintreeMembershipTest