
A company must have different strategies for product promotion for different individuals. Not every individual has the same requirement and demand. So the company has to segment, target and position the product according to the tastes of various individuals. Segmentation of products based on the revenue generated in different regions is done to understand the market trends. The segmentation will help the company to devise marketing strategies and promotional schemes to position the right product according to the preference of the consumers in any given segment.

In Data Exploration simple I had explored the data and find that how much unique value of the product is there and also I have checked that any null values are present or not? but unfortunately, there were no null values.

In Data visualization I had plot different bar plots to related the things in this I had observed that how much revenue is the reps generating in their respective regions? what products are fast-moving in terms of the quantity and revenue generated? who sells what products at what quantity in which region?.

Finally, I had used a k-means clustering model.


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