
Empower your configuration management using Ansible! This project provides a comprehensive set of playbooks and roles designed for real-world scenarios, offering a hands-on case study to showcase Ansible's power in configuration management, application deployment.

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Cloud Infrastructure Projects (Ansible, Terraform and Cloudformation)

This repository contains my projects related to cloud infrastructure provisioning and management, showcasing my skills and experience in AWS (Cloudformation and Terraform), Azure, Terraform, and Ansible.

Project List

  1. Building VPC in AWS

    • Description: This project focuses on building a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in AWS with public and private subnets, security groups, and network ACLs.
    • Technologies: AWS, VPC, Subnets, Security Groups, Network ACLs
    • Documentation: Link to Documentation
  2. Provisioning and Managing Azure Services

    • Description: This project involves provisioning and managing various Azure services such as Virtual Machines, Storage Accounts, and Networking components.
    • Technologies: Azure, Azure Resource Manager (ARM), Azure CLI
    • Documentation: Link to Documentation
  3. 2-Tier Architecture using Terraform

    • Description: This project implements a 2-tier architecture (web and database tiers) using Terraform to provision infrastructure on AWS or Azure.
    • Technologies: Terraform, AWS, Azure, EC2, RDS
    • Documentation: Link to Documentation
  4. Ansible Server Configuration Management

    • Description: This project demonstrates server configuration management using Ansible, including setting up one master and multiple worker nodes.
    • Technologies: Ansible, Configuration Management, Automation
    • Documentation: Link to Documentation
  5. AWS CloudFormation Template

    • Description: This project provides an AWS CloudFormation template for provisioning a scalable and fault-tolerant infrastructure stack on AWS.
    • Technologies: AWS, CloudFormation, Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
    • Documentation: Link to Documentation