Cover art 2D Cellular Automata (AndroMATA) Pro v0.1 ( full featured )

2D Cellular Automata (AndroMATA) Pro v0.1

Introduction Cellular Automata is a mathematical modeling concept used for studying growth characteristics, particle automata, homogeneous structures, cancer growth, cellular structures, and pseudo-random arrays. The entity denoted as cells are organized in a grid, such that each cell changes state as a function of time according to a defined set of rules that includes the states of neighboring cells. Cellular automata have been suggested for generation of public key cryptography and are widely used for creating pseudo-random numbers and sequences. It’s a great and useful tool if you are a computerphile or numberphile. In addition, the software and exported data from the simulation helps you to discover and derive your own conclusions based the output data using different parameters. You will be amazed how complex the simple structures can get over time based on pre-defined simple set of rules. Advance 2D Cellular Automata for android (AndroMATA v0.1) is android version of simple yet versatile version of cellular automata which is compact but customizable for user-defined grid size, generation time and multiple other advance features

The unique customizable 2D Cellular Automata (Conway's Game of Life) with maximum growth density tracking, statistics and repeater detection and data export option,. Best for Numberphiles, computational biologist and anyone who loves computation. Please tryout our free app (Lite version) if you are in doubt.

Youtube description: https://youtu.be/s14L0NmJFJQ

2D cellular Automata

Some Screenshots with Graphic Charts Real-time display

2D cellular Automata

2D cellular Automata

Main Features of AndroMata is summarized below:

  1. User defined Cell grid (Size) for optimum space and growth of the cellular complexity. 2D-cellular automata with user-defined maximum generation.
  2. Exclusively built-in genuine Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to spontaneously live track and quantify the maximum growth area within the cell grid/space
  3. Built-in AI algorithm to track series of repeats (oscillations) of up to 2-6 sequences/harmonics which is very useful to avoid infinite looping.
  4. Option to detect and auto-restart new simulation upon detection of infinite repetition.
  5. Live graphs (bar chart, growth curves, pi-charts) of growth characteristics of the simulation.
  6. Option to export the vital information of entire CA growth log into plain text “.CVS” (Comma Separated Values) files which can be further utilized for in-depth processing.
  7. Option to capture high quality cell grid screen to make easy documentation.
  8. Optimum memory management to avoid excess use of CPU and RAM.
  9. Completely Offline & free of irritating advertisement with built-in tutorials.
  10. Built-in error handeling to minimize input-related errors.

More advance features are in development process and will be updated in near future. Your support by downloading the program and would be highly appreciated. Thank you

If you are interested for full source code and ciattaions Please feel free to contact me... I would gladly response.