Easy and powerful tool to select features in untargeted metabolomics studies – with less risk for bias. How? Omigami uses multivariate models to perform a recursive feature elimination within a repeated double cross-validation.
pip install omigami
- It's hard to protect against selection bias on high-dimensional omics data (Krawczuk and Łukaszuk, 2016). Even common cross-validation has been shown to overfit.
- Most feature selection techniques focus on finding the minimal set of strongest features. Omitting redundant variables that are however still relevant to understanding the biochemical systems.
- There's no freely available and easy-to-use Python tool that implements a minimally biased repeated double cross validation.
- A robust selection requires many (100 - 5.000) models to be trained. Running such a large number of models in reasonable time, requires non-trivial parallelization.
- Repeated double cross-validation
- Multivariate feature selection (Random Forest, XGB or PLS-DA)
- Minimal optimal and all relevant feature selection
- Efficient Parallelization (with Dask)
- Familiar scikit-learn API
- Plotting
- Predict with trained models
- test.csv: This is your omics dataset.
- target: Replace this with the name of the column that denotes your class variable
- e.g. this column will contain (1/0, pathological/control, treatment/non-treatment, etc.)
import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('test.csv')
from the data, numpy arrays have to be extracted:
X = data.drop(columns=["target"]).values
y = data["target"].values
Once the data is ready, we can get a feature selector, fit it and look at the selected features:
from omigami.feature_selector import FeatureSelector
feature_selector = FeatureSelector(
estimator="PLSC", # partial least squares classifier
metric="MISS", # missclassifications
feature_selector.fit(X, y)
feature_names = data.drop(columns=["target"]).columns
selected_features = feature_selector.get_selected_features(feature_names=feature_names)
It might take a while for it to complete, depending on your machine and on the model selected.
The feature selector returns 3 possible feature sets that can be inspected as:
min_feats = selected_features["min"]
mid_feats = selected_features["mid"]
max_feats = selected_features["max"]
: The minimum number of features for which the model performs optimally.- The minimal set of most informative features. If you choose less features, then the model will perform worse.
: The maximum number of features for which the model performs optimally.- The all-relevant feature set. This includes also all weak and redundant, but still relevant features – without including noisy and uninformative features. Using more features would also decrease the performance of the model.
: The geometric mean of both feature sets.
The feature selection can be time consuming. To speed it up, Omigami gives the option of executing the various CV loops in parallel using an Executor object which should be passed as keyword parameter to the fit method.
So far, dask, loky (joblib) and concurrent executors have been tested.
For example, using the native Python3 concurrent
library, you would do:
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
executor = ProcessPoolExecutor()
feature_selector.fit(X, y, executor=executor)
Note that you need to pass the executor
to the fit()
Another example with Dask would be
from dask.distributed import Client
client = Client()
executor = client.get_executor()
feature_selector.fit(X, y, executor=executor)
Also: Dask gives you a neat dashboard to see the status of all the jobs at http://localhost:8787/status
- The dataset is split into
cross-validation splits. - Each train split is further split into
cross-validation splits. - On each cross-validation split multivariate models are trained and evaluated.
- The least important fraction of features (
) is removed, until there are no more features in the model - The whole process is repeated
times to improve the robustness of the selection. - Feature ranks are averaged over all
splits and alln_repetitions
To test the significance of the selected features, Omigami implements as class to perform a permutation test for the feature selection
from omigami.permutation_test import PermutationTest
permutation_test = PermutationTest(feature_selector, n_permutations=10)
permutation_test.fit(X, y)
p_value = permutation_test.compute_p_values("min")
print("p-value of the 'min' feature set: %s" % p_value)
Omigami provides some basic plotting utils to inspect the results of the feature selection. In particular, it provides two main methods:
from omigami.plot_utils import plot_feature_rank
feature_selection_results = feature_selector.get_feature_selection_results(feature_names)
fig = plot_feature_rank(
model="min", # one of "min", "mid" or "max"
feature_names=feature_names # optional
from omigami.plot_utils import plot_validation_curves
fig = plot_validation_curves(feature_selection_results)
from omigami.plot_utils import plot_permutation_scores
fig = plot_permutation_scores(permutation_test, "min")
- n_repetitions: Number of repetitions of the entire double cross-validation loop (default:
) - n_outer: Number of cross-validation splits in the outer loop
- n_inner: Number of cross-validation splits in the inner loop (default: n_outer-1)
- estimator: Multivariate model that you want to use for the feature selection. Supports
: Random Forest Classifier"XGBC"
: XGBoost Classifier"PLSC"
: Partial Least Square Classifier"PLSR"
: Partial Least Square Regressor- scikit-learn model and pipeline instances
- metric: Metric to be used to assess fitness of estimators. Supports
: Number of missclassifications.- several classification and regression scores from scikit-learn (refer to documentation)
- custom functions
- features_dropout_rate: Fraction of features that will be dropped in each elimination step (float)
- robust_minimum (float): Maximum normalized-score value to be considered when computing the selected features
- random_state (int): Pass an int for a reproducible output (default:
- Omigami blog post
- Original Paper: Variable selection and validation in multivariate modelling
- Carl Brunius' R implementation
- Fork it (https://github.com/datarevenue-berlin/omigami/fork)
- Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
- Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
- Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
- Create a new Pull Request
Data Revenue, based on Variable selection and validation in multivariate modelling (2019) DOI:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty710
MIT license - free software.