
Simple Publish-Subscribe implementation APIs for Javascript Apps

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple type-safe pub-sub implementation APIs for Javascript/TypeScript Apps

Create Publication

type TCreateConfiguration = {
  name?: string;
  enableLogging?: string;

type TPublication<T> = {
  config?: TCreateConfiguration,
  subscribers: ((data: T) => void)[],

declare const createPublication: <T>(config?: TCreateConfiguration | undefined) => TPublication<T>;


  • config: (Optional) TCreateConfiguration - Configuration options.

Return value: Object - New publication.

Creates & returns a unique new publication object.


  • name?: (Optional) string - Used in logging. Default: "Unknown".
  • enableLogging?: (Optional) boolean - Enable/disable console logging. Useful in development and/or test environments. If enabled then each action "create" | "publish" | "subscribe" | "unsubscribe" | "notify" gets logged on console with relevent data.


import { createPublication } from 'pusu';

export default createPublication<{ asOfDate: Date }>({ name: 'load-data' });

Unique publication every time

Creation of a publication makes sure that each publication is unique in itself and removes the need of maintaining a unique key for each publication.

Even if multiple publications created with same name, then each publication will be treated as a separate publication without any conflicts.

Below code creates two separate unique publications publication1 & publication2 even though the publication names are same. Name is just for the sake of naming the publication so that its useful during debugging any issues.


import { createPublication } from 'pusu';

const publication1 = createPublication<{ asOfDate: Date }>({ name: 'load-data' });
const publication2 = createPublication<{ asOfDate: Date }>({ name: 'load-data' });

console.log(publication1 === publication2); //false


declare const publish: <T>(publication: TPublication<T>, data: T) => void;


  • publication: (Required) Object - Publication object created using the api createPublication()
  • data: (Optional) - This argument is passed to the subscribers listening to the publication. Its a way of passing data to the subscribers.

publish method calls all the subscribers subscribed to the publication (provided as a first argument). It calls the subscribers with the data.


import { publish } from 'pusu';
import loadDataPublication from './publications/load-data-publication';

  onClick={() => {
    // Publish the data
    publish(loadDataPublication, { asOfDate: new Date() });


declare const subscribe: <T>(publication: TPublication<T>, subscriber: TSubscriber<T>) => (() => void);


  • publication: (Required) Object - Publication object created using the api createPublication
  • subscriber: (Required) Function - A subscriber function which will be called by the publisher. This function will receive the data published by the publisher.

Return value: Function - A function to unsubscribe, when called then the subscriber is unsubscribed and no longer called by the publisher.


import { subscribe } from 'pusu';
import loadDataPublication from './publications/load-data-publication';

let unsubscribe;

// Subscribe to the publication
unsubscribe = subscribe(loadDataPublication, ({ asOfDate }) => {
  // load the data from API

// Unsubscribe from the publication before removal of the component
if (unsubscribe) {


If logging is enabled while creating the pubcalition then each action gets logged.

Log Information

type TLog<T> = {
  publication: string;
  action: TLogAction;
  data?: T;
  meta?: any;
  • publication: Name of the publication. Default = "Unknown".
  • action: "create" | "publish" | "subscribe" | "unsubscribe" | "notify".
  • data: Data published and sent to subscribers.
  • meta: Can be any metadata. E.g. when a subscriber is notified then the sibscriber function's name is added in the metadata.


  • create: When publication is created.
  • publish: When publciation is published with data.
  • subscribe: When a subscriber function is subscribed.
  • unsubscribe: When a subscriber function is unsubscribed.
  • notify: When a subscriber function is called with the data.


createPublication<{ asOfDate: Date }>({ name: 'load-data', enableLogging: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' });


'pusu', { publication: 'load-data', action: 'create' }
'pusu', { publication: 'load-data', action: 'subscribe', meta: { subscriber: '[functionName]' } }
'pusu', { publication: 'load-data', action: 'publish', data: { asOfDate: 1706513208749 } }
'pusu', { publication: 'load-data', action: 'notify', data: { asOfDate: 1706513208749 }, meta: { subscriber: '[functionName]' } }
