
Notion Share Button Component

Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Notion Share Button

Notion Share Button is a simple react based UI component that helps you add Notion like share button to your website, blog or any other web application. It provides an customizable implementatio of handling operations like searching, selecting, and sharing access.

Some of the features of this component are:

  • 100% TypeScript support and React Based component
  • Customizable with props
  • Provides customizable implementation for selecting users, searching, etc.
  • Easily pluggable with databases using APIs (uses localstorage for demo).
  • Keyboard accessible UX out of the box


The Notion Share Button is a react based component written in TypeScript and supports operations like searching, selecting, and modifying access for users. It uses Mantine UI Libary under the hood but also holds custom implementations of multiple sub components for greater flexibility.

There are two primary modals that could be triggered using this button.

  1. Access Control Modal - It is the default modal that opens up when you click the button. Can be used for updating access of users with whom the page is already shared.

Screenshot 2022-11-21 at 10 06 34 AM

  1. Search User Modal - It is triggered when you click on the input box to search for new users to share access to. Here you can search for users or user groups in your workspace and provide bulk access to them.

Screenshot 2022-11-21 at 10 06 55 AM

How it works?

  1. Viewing users with access to page You can click on the share button to see who all has access and at what level (view, edit, full). You can directly change access from the modal.

Screenshot 2022-11-21 at 10 06 34 AM

  1. Adding more users Click on the input box to open another modal to invite more users or user groups and provide them access. The updated list of users will show up in the previous modal.

Screenshot 2022-11-21 at 10 06 34 AM

  1. Working with a keyboard You can completely use this component without a mouse, just use tab or arrow keys to switch selected item, and space/enter to select.

Screenshot 2022-11-21 at 10 06 34 AM

Technical Details

Developed on node version 16 using yarn for package management. You can switch to the required version of node using this command in your terminal (if you use nvm for node package management)

nvm use

Tech stack used

  • Vite
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Mantine
  • Heroicons

The atomic components are inspired from Mantine, that combine to make up molecular level components that can be customized with props. All these components are highly reusable with the help of props.

ComponentBreakdown (1)

Data Model

There are majorly two data models involved in building this component. One for users and one for the page information. 1. User Data Model - The user data model can represent an individual user and also a user group.

A user data object would look something like this 👇

   id: "6",
   name: "Vivek Nigam",
   email: "viveknigam.nigam3@gmail.com",
   avatar: "https://github.com/viveknigam3003.png",

Where as a user group would have the same fields, just an extra users field.

  • Here email may be ommited if there is no common email assigned to a group.
  • The users array holds the user id for users in that group.
  • If the avatar is absent, the avatar automatically becomes the first letter of the name of the group.
   id: "3",
   name: "Engineering",
   users: ["1", "7", "6"],

2. Page Data Model - It holds the information regarding which user/user group has what level of access.

   id: "page-1",
   sharedWith: [
       id: "6",
       permission: PERMISSION_LEVEL.FULL,
       id: "3",
       permission: PERMISSION_LEVEL.FULL,
  • The sharedWith key holds an array of objects that have the user id as id and permission level from a constant PERMISSION_LEVEL
  • This PERMISSION_LEVEL has 4 levels of access. It is an enum to abstract out the value assigned for each access level.
export enum PERMISSION_LEVEL {
 FULL = "full_access",
 VIEW = "view_only",
 EDIT = "edit_only",
 NO_ACCESS = "no_access",

State Management and Props

The component uses React's native state management principles using functional components and hooks. The share button has the following props which can help customize the functionality of the component.

Props Description
users Users array based on the user object
selectedUsers Selected users array based on the user object
permission Permission level for the selected users in search modal
sharedUsers Array of users (or user groups) with whom the page is shared.
onSelect Callback to handle when a user is selected (clicked) in search modal
onRemove Callback to handle when a user is removed from the selected list of users
onPermissionChange Callback to handle when the permission of selected users is updated
onUserPermissionChange Callback to handle when permission for a single user is updated
onInvite Callback to handle the permission update for selected users in search modal
buttonStyles Object to pass to the button for styling. Refer to Mantine Button for details

The provided App() component wraps the ShareButton component and provides an implementation of all the functionalities of the ShareButton with LocalStorage as DB to persist data state between page reloads.

function App() {
// State and logic implementation

  return (

📌 Note on local storage

The demo uses local storage and it is populated using keys in the db/config.ts file. If you wish to change these keys please update the config file.

export const config = {
  pageDB: "oslash-notion-page",
  userDB: "oslash-users",


Built by Vivek Nigam