
A basic memory game developed using react concepts. Player needs to remember emoji clicked each time to win the game.(i.e 12/12 is win). Since its a dynamic application emojis gets shuffled immediately after clicking a emoji.. Refer Image in ReadMe.md for complete understanding of application.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

LIVE DEMO :- Emoji Game

Refer to image below:

refer link to understand application -- https://assets.ccbp.in/frontend/content/react-js/emoji-game-output.gif --


Design Files

Project Set Up Instructions

  • Download dependencies by running npm install
  • Start up the app using npm start

Project Completion Instructions

Add Functionality

The app must have the following functionalities

  • The Score and Total score for the current game should be 0 initially.

  • When an Emoji is clicked

    • If the clicked emoji is not the same as any of the previously clicked emojis then the Score should be increased by 1.

    • If all the emojis are clicked exactly once

      • The Game status along with Best score and Play Again button should be displayed as shown in the design file (game own).
      • The Best score should be equal to the Top Score.
    • If the clicked emoji is the same as any of the previously clicked emojis

      • The Game status along with Current score and Play Again button should be displayed as shown in the design file (game lose).

      • If the score achieved in the current game is higher than the previous scores then the Top Score should be updated accordingly.

  • When the Play Again button is clicked then, we should be able to play the game again.

  • The Play Again button should reset the game and score but not the Top score value.

  • The list of emojis is passed to the EmojiGame component as a prop emojisList in the form of an array object.

  • Each emoji object will have the following properties

    Key Data Type
    id Number
    emojiName String
    emojiUrl String
  • The value of the key id in the emoji object should be used as a key to the EmojiCard component.

  • The value of the key emojiName in the emoji object should be used as a alt text to the emoji image.

  • Your task is to complete the implementation of

    • src/components/EmojiGame/index.js
    • src/components/EmojiGame/index.css
    • src/components/NavBar/index.js
    • src/components/NavBar/index.css
    • src/components/EmojiCard/index.js
    • src/components/EmojiCard/index.css
    • src/components/WinOrLoseCard/index.js
    • src/components/WinOrLoseCard/index.css

Quick Tips

  • The cursor CSS property sets the type of mouse cursor, if any, to show when the mouse pointer is over an element. Use the CSS property cursor with a value pointer to indicate a link. Click this to know more.

  • An outline is a line that is drawn around an element, outside the border. The outline CSS shorthand property sets all the outline properties. Use the CSS property outline with value none to hide all the outline properties. Click this to know more.




Hex: #6a59ff
Hex: #ffffff
Hex: #3d3d3d

Background Colors

Hex: #9796f0
Hex: #fbc7d4
Hex: #ffffff33
Hex: #ffce27

Border Colors

Hex: #ffffff30


  • Roboto

###The application is completly responsive (responsive-web-design)

iphone responsive 1200 i pad