
Simple market to Buy/Sell FLO using BTC

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Trade market for trading assets (FLO) using BTC



  • Nodejs version >= 12.9 (--lts recommended)
  • MySQL Server version > 8.0


Download the repository using git:

git clone https://github.com/ranchimall/flo-btc-market.git


Install using npm:

cd flo-btc-market
npm install

Finish the configuration when prompted


General Configuration

If not finished during installation, or to re-configure use:

npm run configure
  • port: Port of the server to run on

  • session secret: A random session secret. (Enter YES to automatically randomize it)

  • MySQL host: Host of the MySQL server (default: localhost)

  • Database name: Database in which the data should be stored (<database-name>) (default: flobtc)

  • MySQL username: Username for MySQL (<sql-username>)

  • MySQL password: Password for MySQL (<sql-password>)

Recommended (optional) Create and use a MySQL user instead of root. Remember to give access to the database to the user.

Set/Reset Node key password

If not set during installation, or to reset password, use:

npm run reset-password
  • private key: Private key of the node
  • password: Password to set for the node (<password>)

Note: Private key of the node is encrypted using the <password>. Thus use a strong password.

Create Database Schema (MySQL)

Create database schema in MySQL

CREATE DATABASE <database-name>;
USE <database-name>;
SOURCE args/schema.sql;

Recommended (optional) Create a MySQL user and grant permissions

CREATE USER '<sql-username>'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '<sql-password>';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON <database-name>.* TO '<sql-username>'@'localhost';


For help or list of all commands, use

npm run help

Starting the Server

After successful installation and configuration using the above steps, Server-Node can be started using:

npm start -- -PASSWORD=<password>

(Optional) console.debug is now turned off by default. pass argument --debug to turn it on

npm start -- -PASSWORD=<password> --debug