
Predicting road speeds over time using satellite imagery and tabular data

Primary LanguagePython


Predicting road speeds over time using satellite imagery and tabular data

Installation Instructions

Step 1: Set Up Python Virtual Environment

  1. Ensure you have Python 3.9 installed on your system. If not, install it from the official Python website.
  2. You may need to install the python3-venv package to create a virtual environment, which can be done using:

sudo apt install python3-venv

  1. Create a virtual environment named road_env using:

python3.9 -m venv road_env

Step 2: Activate the Virtual Environment

  1. Activate the virtual environment with:

source road_env/bin/activate # On Unix or MacOS .\road_env\Scripts\activate # On Windows

Step 3: Install Required Dependencies

  1. Before installing the python packages, some packages require the Python development package and GDAL requires the libgdal library to be pre-installed on your system. Install these using:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev sudo apt install python3.9-dev

  1. With the virtual environment activated, install the dependencies (ensure 'requirements.txt' is in the current directory) by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 4: Verify Installation

  1. You can verify the installation by checking the Python version and installed packages using:

python --version pip list

Environment Setup

Step 1: Enter the Repository

  1. Make sure you are in the project repository

Step 2: Set Up the Python Environment

  1. [Follow the installation instructions provided in installation_requirements.txt to set up the Conda environment.]
  2. Ensure the environment road_env is activated before proceeding to the next steps (use: source road_env/bin/activate)

Step 3: Data

In order to generate the 224 x 224 crops of the road segments (which are used as input for the models), the generate_crops.py script needs to be run. generate_crops.py expects the following directory structure:

├── data
│ ├── GPStracks_forDLcourse.csv # GPS tracks CSV file
│ ├── img_id_map.json # Generated JSON file (output by script)
│ ├── crop_info_base.csv # Generated crops info CSV file (output by script)
│ │
│ ├── sat_tifs # Directory for TIFF non-sequence images
│ │ ├── [various TIFF files]
│ │
│ ├── sat_tifs_2 # Directory for TIFF sequence images
│ │ ├── batch2
│ │ ├── R1_[various TIFF files]
│ │ ├── R2_[various TIFF files]
│ │ └── R3_[various TIFF files]
│ │
│ ├── rgb_crops_mo_4 # Directory for RGB image crops (output by script)
│ │ ├── [generated RGB crop files]
│ │
│ └── nir_crops_mo_4 # Directory for NIR image crops (output by script)
│ ├── [generated NIR crop files]

├── [other project files and directories]

└── generate_crops.py

The GPStracks_forDLcourse.csv is found in the bucket associated with the project data and must be added to the data directory.

Generate the crops by running:

python generate_crops.py

Experiment Running

Step 0: Ensure proper environment

  1. Before proceeding with running main.sh, ensure that the environment is set up as detailed in installation_requirements.txt and environment_setup.txt.

Step 1: Running the experiments

  1. Running the experiments is done by running the following command in the terminal:

chmod +x main.sh ./main.sh

Here is the directory structure expected by seq_nn_train.py:


├── data
│ ├── crop_info_full_4.csv # The main dataset CSV file
│ ├── [Other data files]

├── dataset
│ ├── init.py
│ ├── road_mean_std_dataset.py # Contains RoadMeanSTDDataset class
│ ├── road_mean_std_seq_dataset.py # Contains RoadMeanSTDSeqDataset class
│ ├── [Other dataset files]

├── models
│ ├── init.py
│ ├── resnet_concat_rnn.py # Contains the ResNetConcatRNN model
│ ├── [Other model files]

├── results
│ ├── models # Directory to save model outputs
│ │ ├── [Saved model files will be placed here]

├── transforms.py # Contains data transformations

├── util.py # Utility functions for the model

├── crop_info_norm_params.yaml # Normalization parameters

├── t_cols_norm.yaml # Names of normalized tabular feature columns

├── training_script.py # The main training script

└── [Other project files and directories]