
open source and community lover

Hi 👋! My name is Vivek and an open sourceand community, lover resource and just about everything do on AI

apoorv__tyagi  apoorvtyagi 

github contribution grid snake animation

About Me:

  • 🏦 I'm Devops Engineering Tech Lead working for a Tech startup in India .
  • 📝 I regulary write technical articles for hashnode and dev.to
  • 💻 I use daily: .js, .kubernetes, .linux, .Gen AI,** AI**
  • 📖 I am currently readings Designing Data and Applications by Martins Kleppmam
  • 🧑‍💻 Tech I work on it

Nodejs GIT kubernetes eastic azure docker mysql

I love connecting with different people so if you want to say hi, I'll be happy to meet you more! :)