Baraka Code Challenge

Code task for Baraka

Getting Started

Unzip the project with any zip tool. Open the project in VSCode and run it. Or just install the apk from ..\flutter_app\build\app\outputs\flutter-apk


Flutter + Android app that get a list of stocks from a searched ticker and shows the data in a chart. Also gets a list of invested stocks and shows it in a scrollable list APIs:

Notes on implementation

  • Design architecture MVVM for presentation layer along with Clean architecture adapted design in Android
  • Similar approach in Flutter
  • Dagger Hilt for dependency injection
  • Kotlin and Dart
  • Mockito for Unit tests
  • Retrofit as a REST cliend for API communication
  • Error and loading states
  • Kotlin Coroutines.
  • LiveData and ViewModel from Architecture Components
  • Mappers to map network objects to domain
  • Flutter:
    • MVVM with repository pattern
    • Pigeon library to communicate with Android native
    • syncfusion_flutter_charts library to show the stocks data
    • provider liibrary for app state management
    • easy_search_bar library to select ticket in chart screen


  • Due to the lack of time and issues with the finance API I implemented an approach with a different API. There is still left to do the interval buttons and more improvements I will name in this section.

  • Use of riverpod to improve the used provider library

  • Use of go_router to provide an improvement in flutter navigation.

  • Improve the Pigeon result to add an ID and allow multiple replies.

  • I have not used persistence for simplicity so Room can be used to create an offline approach and improve the app

  • Design can be definitely improved :)

  • Final note: This code task has been a great challenge for me. I have learnt a lot during the implementation considering I am a starter in Flutter if you compare it with my Android native experience. I could have finalized completely with more time but I have already asked for it so I hope you take this into consideration. Regardless, it has been fun!


  • Raúl Suárez Rodríguez