
Lecture Slides for CprE 308

Primary LanguageHTML

CprE 308 Spring 2014 Lectures

This repo contains all lecture slides for CprE 308 - Spring 2014.

Lecture Listings

Week Topic Slides
1 Introduction HTML / PDF
Hardware Review / Process Intro HTML / PDF
2 Process Memory Basics HTML / PDF
Process Creation HTML / PDF
3 File System Interface HTML / PDF
Multiprogramming HTML / PDF
Threads Introduction HTML / PDF
4 Threads Implementation HTML / PDF
User and Kernel Threads HTML / PDF
5 Mutual Exclusion HTML / PDF
Producer/Consumer HTML / PDF
6 Readers/Writers HTML / PDF
Dining Philosophers HTML / PDF
7 Deadlocks HTML / PDF
8 Deadlocks / Midterm
9 Process Scheduling HTML / PDF
10 Spring Break
11 Memory Management HTML / PDF
MM: Page Replacement HTML / PDF
12 MM: Performance HTML / PDF
13 File Systems Intro HTML / PDF
FS: Open Files HTML / PDF
FS: Implementation HTML / PDF
14 FS: Performance HTML / PDF
FS: Disk Scheduling HTML / PDF
15 Security Overview HTML / PDF
Security: Authentication HTML / PDF

Repo Information

Repo Contents

Each directory contains a different set of files:

  • lectureX.md - lecture source
  • lectureX.html - lecture as presentation viewable in browser (reveal.js)
  • lectureX.pdf - lecture as PDF slides (beamer)


To compile reveal.js presentation:

pandoc -t revealjs -s lectureX.md -o lectureX.html --slide-level 2 -V revealjs-url:../reveal.js --css ../slides.css

To compile PDF presentation:

pandoc -t beamer -o lectureX.pdf lectureX.md --slide-level 2 -V theme:Berlin -V colortheme:beaver

Note: I currently use a custom version of pandoc to enable side-by-side columns: https://github.com/brianpeck/pandoc


To view the slides in a browser, click the link in the above table.