

Please let me know if the below steps don't work for you. I already had homebrew, Java 11, and gradle installed on my computer so I didn't need to do these steps. You'll need Java 11 installed, and gradle.

brew tap AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk
brew install --cask  adoptopenjdk11
java -version

brew install gradle

To hit the endpoint manually

  • Run application from command line: ./gradlew bootRun
  • cURL the endpoint from command line:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/email' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "to": "",
    "to_name": "Ms. Susan",
    "from": "",
    "from_name": "brightwheel",
    "subject": "Your Weekly Report",
    "body": "<h1>Weekly Report</h1><p>You saved 10 hours this week!</p>"

Switch default API service

Alter default_api value in application.yml - must be one of two options SNAILGUN or SPENDGRID

Other notes

Given Snailgun is the default API, when Snailgun returns QUEUED status, we will poll Snailgun up to 3 times, waiting 5 seconds between each call, till Snailgun returns a SENT status.


Located in src/test/java. To run from command line, ./gradlew clean build


The EmailApiService implementations (SnailgunApiService and SpendgridApiService) assume that the 3rd party API will send either a 2xx response, OR times out and returns no response at all. If I had more time, I'd also cover other cases (i.e. API responds with 4xx or 5xx)