Welcome to Measurabl


This project is intended to test your Java skills with focus on building Web APIs Refer to the email sent to you on how to complete this assigment

Getting to know your project


This is project is built using Maven. There are many ways to install Maven. The easiest way is to download it, unzip the archive, add it to the system path and run it.

If you are running on a mac: Install Maven on a Mac

brew update
brew search maven
brew info maven
brew install maven
brew cleanup

If you are running on Ubuntu:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install maven
mvn -version

If you are running on Windows Download Maven

unzip apache-maven-3.6.1-bin.zip
# Add Maven to system PATH

# Make sure Java is installed in your system
echo %JAVA_HOME% 
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_172

# Test Maven
mvn -version

How to build and run the project

  1. From command line, go to the root of the project
  2. mvn clean install - this also runs all the unit tests
  3. mvn spring-boot:run
  • this invokes the project and binds the server to port 8080

How to invoke and access the default (root) controller

  1. From the command line curl localhost:8080
  2. From a browser http://localhost:8080
  3. From Postman GET http://localhost:8080

Special notes

  1. This project uses Lombok to generate boilerplate getters/setters
  2. To install Lombok
  3. We strongly recommend IntelliJ - community eddition is free

H2 enabled

To simplify data access, this project uses an embedded database H2

  • Once started, H2 UI can be accessed as follows
  1. URL http://localhost:8080/h2-console
  2. User name: measurabl
  3. Password: measurabl
  4. JDBC URL: jdbc:h2:mem:measurabl

Swagger enabled

This project has Swagger enabled. This means all endpoints in this project are OpenAPI documented