
A collection of useful resources for beginner front end developers from study techniques, supplementary study materials, and more.

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Resources for Beginner Front End Developers


I built this repo so I could curate a directory of resources I have found incredibly useful in my learning journey to be a web developer with zero experience. I hope that in creating this repo, I am able to provide even a little bit of help to all budding developers (like me ☺️!).

One of my primary motivations is to help beginner devs to be able to easily contribute to open-resource projects. So feel free to contribute to this repo! If you have suggestions, would like to submit new resources, and/or have noticed typo/grammar mistakes, please read the Contributing Guidelines first.

You earn contributions. I learn from you. Everyone learns. Win-win-win for everyone!

a very funny meme of Oprah saying everyone wins

With that out of the way, I wish you well on your endeavors. Happy coding!! 😁

Table of Contents

  • Career Prep: A collection of resources for career prep such as interview prep, resume writing, and more.
  • Courses: Everybody learns differently. Check out these courses to see which one is the best fit for you. All of these courses also have their own Discord Communities.
  • CSS: A collection of resources for learning CSS.
  • Developer Path: A roadmap for learning web development.
  • Dev Tools & Resources: A collection of developer tools and resources.
  • Git & GitHub: A collection of resources for learning Git and GitHub.
  • How to Ask Questions: You may be thinking... "Huh?! Why is this part of this list?" Trust me, knowing how to ask effective technical questions is an extremely important skill to have. As one of the article states: "Good questions save time. Bad questions waste time."
  • HTML: A collection of resources for learning CSS.
  • JavaScript: A collection of resources for learning JavaScript.
  • Study Tips & Techniques: A collection of resources for learning to study effectively.
  • VSCode: A collection of resources for VSCode.