
Contract factory for deterministic addresses on any chain

Primary LanguageJavaScript

global-factory CircleCI

Transform an Ethers contract factory into a deterministic factory.

How does this work

This utility will create a deterministic create2 deployer contract on any evm chain. This is done using a transaction from an account with an unknown private key. As a result the deployer contract can always be created, DOS attacks are not possible.

Because the deployer contract uses create2 and is guaranteed to always have the same address, any contracts deployed from this contract will have the same address.

Internally uses zoltu/deterministic-deployment-proxy.


npm i global-factory

Then use it in a deploy script like this:

const GlobalFactory = require('global-factory')

// Get the normal factory
const _factory = await ethers.getContractFactory('TestContract')
// Turn it into a global factory, the signer on the factory will be used
const factory = await GlobalFactory(_factory)
// define a factory with a custom signer like so
const factoryWithCustomSigner = await GlobalFactory(_factory, customSigner)
// Then deploy as usual
const contract = await factory.deploy(arg1, arg2)

If the contract already exists no deployment will occur and the existing instance will be returned. In this case the property deployTransaction will be null.

If the global deployer contract does not exist it will be deployed.
