
RESTful API developed in order to obtain certification in the Explorer course, by Rocketseat. This API is used by the Front-End application.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Food Explorer - Backend

Technologies   |    Project   |    Features   |    Installation

This is the API of the project Food Explorer. The frontend of the application is hosted on Netlify. To access it, simply click here.

Keep in mind that this api was deployed on a free website called Render, so it may take a while for the application to respond, and any changes you make may not persist.

💻 Technologies

  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • SQLite
  • Json Web Token
  • Knex
  • Multer
  • BcryptJS
  • cors
  • pm2


This project was developed as part of my certification on the course Explorer, a Full-Stack web development course by Rocketseat. This is the Back-end of this project, and the Front-end you can access on this link!

Food Explorer is an interactive website that simulates a restaurant menu. As this is a learning project and not meant for commercial use, you can access both roles through the below provided credentials. There are two users registered for each, and you can use the following credentials:

⚠️It is only possible to create normal users, not admin users. To access the admin interface, please use the credentials provided above. Alternatively, you can create another user, access the database through your SQL Editor of choice and alter the boolean value isAdmin to 1.

⚠️Because the api was hosted on Render, information may not persist, and requests may take som time to resolve. For this reason, there are dishes that were pre registered and uploaded on the database, as well as the users mentioned above, so that the app may run smoothly on the front-end.

⚠️Some non-required features for qualification on the course are still in development, and I will do my best to update this project on my free time, but as I pull my attention to other projects, these features may not come to fruition.


The following are some of the core functionalities:

  • user registration
  • user authentication
  • filter through dishes by name or by ingredient tag
  • detailed view of selected dish
  • for admin users, creation of dishes, update of selected dishe information and deletion of selected dish.


To install and run this application locally on your machine please follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository through your method of choice
  2. Install the dependencies utilizing the following command:
npm install
  1. Execute the project utilizing the following command:
npm run dev

🔸To consume the api on a project of your own, you can use the following link: https://foodexplorer-api-explorer.onrender.com