
This repo contain all the methods for each of the the python module.


1. _Misc__winfo_getint
2. _Misc__winfo_parseitem
3. __class__
4. __delattr__
5. __dict__
6. __dir__
7. __doc__
8. __eq__
9. __format__
10. __ge__
11. __getattr__
12. __getattribute__
13. __getitem__
14. __gt__
15. __hash__
16. __init__
17. __init_subclass__
18. __le__
19. __lt__
20. __module__
21. __ne__
22. __new__
23. __reduce__
24. __reduce_ex__
25. __repr__
26. __setattr__
27. __setitem__
28. __sizeof__
29. __str__
30. __subclasshook__
31. __weakref__
32. _bind
33. _configure
34. _displayof
35. _getboolean
36. _getconfigure
37. _getconfigure1
38. _getdoubles
39. _getints
40. _grid_configure
41. _gridconvvalue
42. _last_child_ids
43. _loadtk
44. _nametowidget
45. _noarg_
46. _options
47. _register
48. _report_exception
49. _root
50. _subst_format
51. _subst_format_str
52. _substitute
53. _tclCommands
54. _tkloaded
55. _w
56. _windowingsystem
57. after
58. after_cancel
59. after_idle
60. anchor
61. aspect
62. attributes
63. bbox
64. bell
65. bind
66. bind_all
67. bind_class
68. bindtags
69. cget
70. children
71. client
72. clipboard_append
73. clipboard_clear
74. clipboard_get
75. colormapwindows
76. columnconfigure
77. command
78. config
79. configure
80. deiconify
81. deletecommand
82. destroy
83. event_add
84. event_delete
85. event_generate
86. event_info
87. focus
88. focus_displayof
89. focus_force
90. focus_get
91. focus_lastfor
92. focus_set
93. focusmodel
94. forget
95. frame
96. geometry
97. getboolean
98. getdouble
99. getint
100. getvar
101. grab_current
102. grab_release
103. grab_set
104. grab_set_global
105. grab_status
106. grid
107. grid_anchor
108. grid_bbox
109. grid_columnconfigure
110. grid_location
111. grid_propagate
112. grid_rowconfigure
113. grid_size
114. grid_slaves
115. group
116. iconbitmap
117. iconify
118. iconmask
119. iconname
120. iconphoto
121. iconposition
122. iconwindow
123. image_names
124. image_types
125. keys
126. lift
127. loadtk
128. lower
129. mainloop
130. manage
131. master
132. maxsize
133. minsize
134. nametowidget
135. option_add
136. option_clear
137. option_get
138. option_readfile
139. overrideredirect
140. pack_propagate
141. pack_slaves
142. place_slaves
143. positionfrom
144. propagate
145. protocol
146. quit
147. readprofile
148. register
149. report_callback_exception
150. resizable
151. rowconfigure
152. selection_clear
153. selection_get
154. selection_handle
155. selection_own
156. selection_own_get
157. send
158. setvar
159. size
160. sizefrom
161. slaves
162. state
163. title
164. tk
165. tk_bisque
166. tk_focusFollowsMouse
167. tk_focusNext
168. tk_focusPrev
169. tk_setPalette
170. tk_strictMotif
171. tkraise
172. transient
173. unbind
174. unbind_all
175. unbind_class
176. update
177. update_idletasks
178. wait_variable
179. wait_visibility
180. wait_window
181. waitvar
182. winfo_atom
183. winfo_atomname
184. winfo_cells
185. winfo_children
186. winfo_class
187. winfo_colormapfull
188. winfo_containing
189. winfo_depth
190. winfo_exists
191. winfo_fpixels
192. winfo_geometry
193. winfo_height
194. winfo_id
195. winfo_interps
196. winfo_ismapped
197. winfo_manager
198. winfo_name
199. winfo_parent
200. winfo_pathname
201. winfo_pixels
202. winfo_pointerx
203. winfo_pointerxy
204. winfo_pointery
205. winfo_reqheight
206. winfo_reqwidth
207. winfo_rgb
208. winfo_rootx
209. winfo_rooty
210. winfo_screen
211. winfo_screencells
212. winfo_screendepth
213. winfo_screenheight
214. winfo_screenmmheight
215. winfo_screenmmwidth
216. winfo_screenvisual
217. winfo_screenwidth
218. winfo_server
219. winfo_toplevel
220. winfo_viewable
221. winfo_visual
222. winfo_visualid
223. winfo_visualsavailable
224. winfo_vrootheight
225. winfo_vrootwidth
226. winfo_vrootx
227. winfo_vrooty
228. winfo_width
229. winfo_x
230. winfo_y
231. withdraw
232. wm_aspect
233. wm_attributes
234. wm_client
235. wm_colormapwindows
236. wm_command
237. wm_deiconify
238. wm_focusmodel
239. wm_forget
240. wm_frame
241. wm_geometry
242. wm_grid
243. wm_group
244. wm_iconbitmap
245. wm_iconify
246. wm_iconmask
247. wm_iconname
248. wm_iconphoto
249. wm_iconposition
250. wm_iconwindow
251. wm_manage
252. wm_maxsize
253. wm_minsize
254. wm_overrideredirect
255. wm_positionfrom
256. wm_protocol
257. wm_resizable
258. wm_sizefrom
259. wm_state
260. wm_title
261. wm_transient
262. wm_withdraw