
Swift app loosely based on VIP pattern. Location based venue tracking consuming TripAdvisor API

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Venue Tracker App

Venue Tracker iOS App consists of one screen: Venue List, in addition of splash screen.

On the Venue List screen, user is able to see 15 nearby Venue locations (venues). The list keeps getting updated every 10 seconds.

On the same screen, user can favorite / unfovorite Venue venues.

App Architecture Overview:

Venue Tracker relies on 6 protocols for its business logic handling: LocationProvider, Fetcher, Presenter, Presenting, Updater, Updating.

  • LocationProvider: Classes conforming to this protocol provide (live/random) location coordinates whenever requested. Currently, FakeLocationProvider emits random locations around Kamppi, Helsinki.

  • Fetcher: Classes conforming to this protocol are responsible for fetching data from REST API (usually GET requests) at regular intervals as prescribed by timeInterval property. In Venue Tracker, currently VenueFetcher fetches venues from TripAdvisor API (https://tripadvisor1.p.rapidapi.com/) every 10 seconds.

Fetcher also holds shouldNavigateBlock optional block that can be invoked to signal the caller about possible need for navigation. shouldNavigateBlock can also be injected into other protocols as per the requirement.

  • Presenter: Classes that implement Presenter hold data items for their Presenting(see below) View Controllers. dataItems is an array of business layer objects that are, when set, updates the UI of Presenting view controllers. Currently, VenuePresenter holds dataItems of type Venue object array.

  • Presenting: Classes that implement Presenting deal with UI, i.e. views and view controllers. They must implement updateUIWithDataItems and showErrorMessage to perform UI update. Currently, VenueListViewControlleris the only class that implements Presenting.

  • Updater: Classes that implement Updater initiates saving of mutated data to data storage. They must implement updateData and postDataToAPI. Generic implementation of ùpdateData simply calls updateDataModelof every Updating object.

  • Updating: Business layer objects (presently, Venue) implement this protocol. They must implement updateDataModel, which converts their in-memory properties into NSManagedObjectModel via core data context saving operation.

A Note about Navigator Class:

This class will have helpers to create view controllers from storyboard on the fly, and handle navigation. The basic purpose of this class is to maintain strong reference to all fetchers and presenters. App delegate will have reference to a Navigator object so it can be accessed by any view controller.

This could be extended to keep track of every nav controller in the app for easy push-pop-present operation. When application grows too complex having many view controllers, additional Navigators could be created to keep track of various application flows.

Data Handling:

Data handling is done through business level object (Venue, in the present scope) and Core Data models (VenueModel)

Venue object can be instantiated either from JSON (REST response from /venues API) or VenueModel via venueFromModelfunction.

VenueModel is a core data class generated from data model inside VenueTrackerModel.xcdatamodeld- VenueModelentity. It has functions for queries, insertion and update based on Core Data API. Among other things, it stores isFavorite flag which is responsible for remembering user's venue favoriting choice.

CoreDataManager.swift is a generic initializer for Core Data related stuff. All properties are lazily initialized. It manages 2 managed object contexts: queryContext (used for SELECT) and mutationContext (used for INSERT and UPDATE)


NetworkManager.swift holds all functions to handle network activity. It maintains a strong reference to URLSession object. fetchFromRest function invokes network call, and is consumed by all Fetcher implementors.


Upon every venue update, table view is refreshed with shuffling of rows. A simplistic moveRow based operation with animation is implemented in VenueListViewController.

VenueListCell.xib (and VenueListCell.swift) is responsible for displaying data in Venue List View Controller.

VenueListCell contains, among other things, venueThumbnail, whose image is set using thumbnailURL property.

Upon tapping favorite button, pulse() (UIView.pulse()) animation is triggered to favorite/unfavorite a Venue venue.

A special implementation of NSCache - URLCache will ensure venue thumbnails gets loaded from their URL, saved on disk(upto 30 MB, then flushed), and also cached in memory (upto 10 MB)

Unit Tests:

VenueTrackerTeststarget contains tests about data conversion into Venue object. This is in progress work.

UI Tests:

VenueTrackerUITests target contains basic UI tests that verify basic stuff like screen appearance, and table view cells..


  • No unit tests for core data operations. Reason being, currently no good mock support exists for Swift. But with some exploration these can be developed and maintained.

  • Error logging is quite simplistic, using print statement.. With some design, logging could be more structured and categorized (e.g. error, warning, info). 3rd party solutions could also help improving quality of logs.

  • Currently, app does not track live user location using Core Location. Location based querying to REST is achieved using location stub FakeLocationProvider.swift, which is convenient to work with for development purposes. RealLocationProvider.swift(fully commented out presently) can be utilized to implement the real requirement using Core Location API.