
A Scratch API wrapper with special features

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Scratch API wrapper with support for almost all site features

This library can set cloud variables, follow Scratchers, post comments and do so much more! It has special features that make it easy to transmit data through cloud variables.

Some functions require logging in to Scratch. You also need to have the coding language Python installed on your device. Download Python here if you don't have it: https://www.python.org/downloads/

The project is maintained by TimMcCool: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/TimMcCool/

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Run the following command in your command prompt / shell:

pip install -U scratchattach


Add this to your Python code:

import os

os.system("pip install -U scratchattach")

Logging in scratch3.Session

Logging in with username / password:

import scratchattach as scratch3

session = scratch3.login("username", "password")

login() returns a Session object that saves your login

Logging in with a sessionId: You can get your session id from your browser's cookies. More information

import scratchattach as scratch3

session = scratch3.Session("sessionId", username="username")


session.session_id #Returns the associated session id
session.email #Returns the email address associated with the account
session.new_scratcher #Returns True if the associated account is a New Scratcher
session.banned #Returns True if the associated account is banned

Cloud variables scratch3.CloudConnection

Make sure you're using the latest scratchattach version. Update scratchattach with pip install scratchattach --upgrade

Connect to the Scratch cloud:

With a Session object:

conn = session.connect_cloud("project_id")

Directly with a sessionId (cookie connect):

conn = scratch3.CloudConnection(project_id = "project_id", username="username", session_id="sessionId")

Connect to the TurboWarp cloud:

Does not require a session.

conn = scratch3.TwCloudConnection(project_id = "project_id", username="username")  
# Optional argument: cloud_host="wss://clouddata.turbowarp.org"
# To connect to forkphorus's cloud server, use cloud_host="wss://stratus.turbowarp.org"

Set a cloud var:

New Scratchers can set Scratch cloud variables too.

conn.set_var("variable", "value") #the variable name is specified without the cloud emoji

Get a Scratch cloud var from the clouddata logs:

Does not require a connection / session.

value = scratch3.get_var("project_id", "variable")
variables = scratch3.get_cloud("project_id") #Returns a dict with all cloud var values
logs = scratch3.get_cloud_logs("project_id") #Returns the cloud logs as list

Get a Scratch / TurboWarp cloud var from the websocket: (new in v0.8.0)

Requires a connection to Scratch or TurboWarp's cloud (a CloudConnection / TwCloudConnection object).

value = conn.get_var("variable")

Close the cloud connection:


Encoding / Decoding scratch3.Encoding

Scratchattach has a built in encoder. (Scratch sprite to decode texts encoded with scratchattach: https://scratch3-assets.1tim.repl.co/Encoder.sprite3)

from scratchattach import Encoding

Encoding.encode("input") #will return the encoded text
Encoding.decode("encoded") #will decode an encoded text

Cloud events scratch3.CloudEvents

Cloud events allow reacting to cloud events in real time. If a Scratcher sets / creates / deletes a cloud var on the given project, an event will be called.

They do not require a session.

How to use with Scratch:

import scratchattach as scratch3

events = scratch3.CloudEvents("project_id")

def on_set(event): #Called when a cloud var is set
    print(f"{event.user} set the variable {event.var} to the valuee {event.value} at {event.timestamp}")

def on_del(event):
    print(f"{event.user} deleted variable {event.var}")

def on_create(event):
    print(f"{event.user} created variable {event.var}")

@events.event #Called when the event listener is ready
def on_ready():
   print("Event listener ready!")


How to use with TurboWarp: (new in v0.4.7)

import scratchattach as scratch3

events = scratch3.TwCloudEvents("project_id")




Cloud Requests scratch3.CloudRequests

Cloud Requests Framework (inspired by discord.py) allows Scratch projects and Python to interact.

This makes it possible to access data like message counts, user stats and more from Scratch projects! Uses cloud variables to transmit data.

Cloud Requests are documented on this page:


If you want to access external information in Scratch projects or store data on an external database, scratchattach's Cloud Requests are ideal for your project:

  • Similar to cloud events, but send back data to the project
  • Automatically encode / decode sent data
  • Tons of extra features

Users scratch3.User

Get a user:

user = session.connect_user("username")

Get the user that you are logged in with:


You can also get users without logging in: (but then you can't use any functions that require a login, like user.follow(), user.post_comment(), ...)

user = scratch3.get_user("username")


user.wiwo #Returns the user's 'What I'm working on' section
user.country #Returns the country from the user profile
user.icon_url #Returns the link to the user's pfp (90x90)
user.id #Returns the id of the user
user.scratchteam #Retuns True if the user is in the Scratch team
# ----- ----- #
user.update() #Updates the above data


user.featured_data() #Returns info on the user's featured project as dict

user.favorites_count() #Returns the amount of projects the user has favorited
user.studio_count() #Returns the amount of studios the user is curating

user.followers(limit=40, offset=0) #Returns the followers as list of scratch3.User objects
user.following(limit=40, offset=0) #Returns the people the user is following as list of scratch3.User objects
user.projects(limit=None, offset=0) #Returns the projects the user has shared as list of scratch3.Project objects
user.favorites(limit=None, offset=0) #Returns the projects the user has favorited as list of scratch3.Project objects
user.studios(limit=None, offset=0) #Returns the studios the user is curating as list of dicts

user.viewed_projects(limit=24, offset=0) #To use this you need to be logged in as the user. Returns the projects the user has recently viewed as list of scratch3.Project objects
user.activity_html(limit=1000) #Returns the user's activity as HTML document

user.is_following("scratcher") #Returns True if user is following the specified Scratcher
user.is_followed_by("scratcher") #Returns True if user is followed by the specified Scratcher

user.comments(limit=20, page=1) #Returns the user's profile comments
user.post_comment("comment content", parent_id="", commentee_id="") #Posts a comment on the user's profile. Requires logging in. Returns the info of the posted commented.
user.reply_comment("comment content", parent_id="parent_id") #Replies to a specified profile comment. Requires logging in. Returns the info of the posted commented.

user.set_bio(text) #Changes the 'About me' of the user
user.set_featured("project_id", label="") #Changes the featured project

user.stats() #Returns the user's statistics as dict. Fetched from ScratchDB
user.ranks() #Returns the user's ranks as dict. Fetched from ScratchDB
user.followers_over_time(segment=1, range=30) #Fetched from ScratchDB

user.forum_posts(page=0, order="newest") #Returns a list of scratch3.ForumPost objects. New in v0.5.5. Fetched from ScratchDB
user.forum_counts() #Returns the amount of posts a user has written different forums as dict. Fetched from ScratchDB
user.forum_counts_over_time() #Fetched from ScratchDB
user.forum_signature() #Fetched from ScratchDB
user.forum_signature_history() #A change log for the user's forum history. Fetched from ScratchDB

user.ocular_status() #Returns information about the user's ocular status, like the status text, the color, and the time of the last update.

Projects scratch3.Project

Get a project:

project = session.connect_project("project_id")

You can also get projects without logging in: (but then you can't use any functions that require a login, and you can't get your unshared projects)

project = scratch3.get_project("project_id")


project.id  #Returns the project id
project.url  #Returns the project url
project.author  #Returns the username of the author
project.comments_allowed  #Returns True if comments are enabled
project.notes  #Returns the 'Notes and Credits' section
project.created  #Returns the date of the project creation
project.last_modified  #Returns the date when the project was modified the last time
project.loves  #Returns the love count
project.favorites #Returns the project's favorite count
project.remix_count  #Returns the number of remixes
project.views  #Returns the view count
# ----- ----- #
project.update()  #Updates the above data


project.get_author()  #Returns the author as scratch3.User object
project.ranks()  #Returns the project's ranks. Fetched from ScratchDB
project.moderation_status() #Returns the project's moderation status (either "safe" or "notsafe" (nfe)). New in v0.5.4. Fetched from jeffalo.net

project.comments(limit=40, offset=0)  #Fetches all project comments except for comment replies
project.get_comment_replies(comment_id="comment_id", limit=40, offset=0)  #Fetches the replies to a specific comment
project.post_comment(content="comment content", parent_id="", commentee_id="")  #Returns the info of the posted commented.
project.reply_comment(content="comment content", parent_id="parent_id")  #Returns the info of the posted commented.


project.set_title("new title")
project.set_instructions("new instructions")
project.set_notes("new notes and credits")  #Sets the notes and credits section of the project
project.set_thumbnail(file="filename.png") #File must be .png and fit Scratch's thumbnail guidelines


project.remixes(limit=None, offset=0) #Returns the remixes as list of scratch3.Project
project.studios(limit=None, offset=0) #Returns the studios the project is in as list of dicts

project.download(filename="project_name.sb3", dir="") #Downloads the project to your computer. The downloaded file will only work in the online editor.
project.get_raw_json() #Returns the json of the project content as dict
project.get_creator_agent() #Returns the user-agent of the user who created the project (with information about their browser and OS)

Unshared projects scratch3.PartialProject

When connecting / getting a project that you can't access, a PartialProject object is returned instead.

Most attributes and most functions don't work for such projects. However, these still work:

project.remixes(limit=None, offset=0)

project.download(filename="project_name.sb3", dir="/")

Studios scratch3.Studio

(New in v0.5.0)

Get a studio:

studio = session.connect_studio("studio_id")

You can also get studios without logging in: (But then you can't use any functions that require a login, like studio.follow(), studio.add_project(), ...)

studio = scratch3.get_studio("studio_id")


studio.host_id #The user id of the studio host
studio.open_to_all #Whether everyone is allowed to add projects
# ----- ----- #
studio.update()  #Updates the above data



studio.comments(limit=40, offset=0)  #Fetches all project comments except for comment replies
studio.get_comment_replies(comment_id="comment_id", limit=40, offset=0)  #Fetches the replies to a specific comment
studio.post_comment(content="comment content", parent_id="", commentee_id="")  #Returns the info of the posted commented.
studio.reply_comment(content="comment content", parent_id="parent_id")  #Returns the info of the posted commented.


studio.set_description("new description")
studio.set_title("new title")
studio.open_projects() #Allows everyone to add projects

studio.turn_off_commenting() # New in v1.0.1

studio.leave() #Removes yourself from the studio

studio.projects(limit=40, offset=0)
studio.curators(limit=24, offset=0) #Returns the curators as list of users (scratch3.User)
studio.managers(limit=24, offset=0)
studio.activity(limit=24, offset=0) #New in v1.0.1

Search / Explore page

Doesn't require a session


session.search_projects(query="query", mode="trending", language="en", limit=40, offset=0)
scratch3.search_projects(query="query", mode="trending", language="en", limit=40, offset=0) #Doesn't require logging in

scratch3.search_studios(query="query", mode="trending", language="en", limit=40, offset=0)

session.search_posts(query="query", order="newest", page=0) #Searches forum posts. Returns a list of scratch3.ForumPost objects
scratch3.search_posts(query="query", order="newest", page=0) #Doesn't require logging in

Get the explore page:

session.explore_projects(query="*", mode="trending", language="en", limit=40, offset=0)
scratch3.explore_projects(query="*", mode="trending", language="en", limit=40, offset=0) #Doesn't require logging in

scratch3.explore_studios(query="*", mode="trending", language="en", limit=40, offset=0)

Messages / My stuff page

session.mystuff_projects("all", page=1, sort_by="") #Returns the projects from your "My stuff" page as list

session.messages(limit=40, offset=0) #Returns your messages as dict
session.clear_messages() #Marks your messages as read
session.get_message_count() #Returns your message count


scratch3.get_news(limit=10, offset=0) #Returns the news from the Scratch front page as list

scratch3.featured_projects() #Returns the featured projects from the Scratch homepage as list
scratch3.newest_projects() #Returns a list with the newest Scratch projects. This list is not present on the Scratch home page, but the API still provides it.

session.get_feed(limit=20, offset=0) #Returns your "What's happening" section from the Scratch front page as list
session.loved_by_followed_users(limit=40, offset=0) #Returns the projects loved by users you are following as list

Forum topics scratch3.ForumTopic

(New in v0.5.5) All of this data is fetched from ScratchDB v3, therefore it may be slighty off.

Get a forum topic:

topic = session.connect_topic("topic_id")

You can also get topics without logging in:

topic = scratch3.get_topic("topic_id")

Get a list of the topics in a category:

topic_list = session.connect_topic_list("category_name", page=0)

You can also do this without logging in:

topic_list = scratch3.get_topic_list("category_name", page=0)


# ----- ----- #
topic.update()  #Updates the above data


topic.posts(page=0, order="oldest") #Returns the topic posts as list of scratch3.ForumPost objects. Possible parameters for "order" are "oldest" and "newest"
topic.first_post() #Returns the first topic post as scratch3.ForumPost object

topic.activity() #Returns an activity / change log for the topic

To prevent spam, adding posts to topics is not a scratchattach feature and never will be.

Forum posts scratch3.ForumPost

(New in v0.5.5) All of this data is fetched from ScratchDB v3, therefore it may be slighty off.

Get a forum post:

post = session.connect_post("post_id")

You can also get posts without logging in:

post = scratch3.get_post("post_id")

Search for forum posts:

post_list = session.search_posts(query="query", order="newest", page=0) #Returns a list of scratch3.ForumPost objects

You can also get posts without logging in:

post_list = scratch3.search_posts(query="query", order="newest", page=0) #Returns a list of scratch3.ForumPost objects


post.posted #The date the post was made
post.edited #The date of the most recent post edit. If the post wasn't edited this is None
post.edited_by #The user who made the most recent edit. If the post wasn't edited this is None
post.deleted #Whether the post was deleted
post.html_content #Returns the content as HTML
post.bb_content #Returns the content as BBCode
post.topic_id #The id of the topic the post is in
post.topic_name #The name of the topic the post is in
post.topic_category #The name of the category the post topic is in
# ----- ----- #
post.update()  #Updates the above data


post.get_topic() #Returns the topic the post is in as scratch3.ForumTopic object
post.get_author() #Returns the post author as scratch3.User object

post.edit(new_content) #Requires you to be the post author.


Site stats and health

scratch3.total_site_stats() #Returns the total project count, user count, comment count and other total counts
scratch3.monthly_site_traffic() #Returns last month's site traffic
scratch3.country_counts() #Returns the amount of Scratch users in each country
scratch3.age_distribution() #Returns how many Scratchers were 1,2,3,4,5,6,... years old when they created their account

scratch3.get_health() #Returns Scratch's health data


session.backpack(limit=20, offset=0) #Returns the contents of your backpack as dictionary
session.delete_from_backpack("asset id") #Deletes an asset from your backpack

Get your session id

This section explains how to get your Scratch session id from your browser cookies.

  1. Open scratch.mit.edu in your browser
  2. Click the 🔒 icon in the URL bar, then click "Cookies"
  3. Then find a cookie called scratchsessionid (in the "scratch.mit.edu" » "Cookies" folder). The content of this cookie is your Scratch session id


  • Allmost all code by TimMcCool.
  • See the GitHub repository for full list of contributors.
  • Create a pull request to contribute code yourself.


If you need help with your code, leave a comment on TimMcCool's Scratch profile: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/TimMcCool/